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Website Evaluation Form

Website Evaluation Form.pdf Website Evaluation Form.doc Use to grade a website based on author, purpose, audience, publication, and overall use.Download

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Web Site Evaluation Form Web Site:    Evaluated by:      1. Author: Who wrote the Web page? Is the person an authority on the topic? What credentials does the author/site have?          2. Purpose: What is the goal of the site? Is the information accurate? Does it fit the goal of your project? Why did the author publish this site?          3. Audience: Does the site clearly identify the audience? Are you part of the intended audience? Does the audience for the site match you as a researcher?          4. Publication: When was the site published or last updated? Is the information current? Are the links up-to-date?          5. Overall: Based on your answers to the previous questions, would you recommend this site to others in your class? Why or why not?
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