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Special Power of Attorney, US Bankruptcy Court

In the Special Power of Attorney, the claimant authorizes any person or corporation as his/her attorney-in-fact to execute his power of attorney in his/her or its behalf. This includes attending meetings with the creditors of the debtor, among other involved personnel.


Extracted Text for Proper Search

Form 	40	11B	 (12/15)	 	
 	Unite	d	 State	s Bank	ruptc	y Court	 	
 	Di	strict Of 	 	
In re 	
                           	C a s	e No	. 	
 	                                                     	D eb t o r	 	 
                               	C h ap t e	r 	
S P ECI AL	 P O W E	R O	 F A T T O R N E Y	 	
of * 	 	
, and	 	
 	  	  of *	 	  	                                                             . 	
The	 undersign	ed claim	ant hereby	 autho	rizes	 you,	 or any	 one	 of you,	 as attorney	 in fact for	 the	 	
und	ersigned	 [if desired	: and	 with	 full	 po	wer of subst	itution,]	 to att	end	 the	 mee	ting	 of credito	rs of the	 deb	tor 	
or any	 adjourn	ment	 thereo	f, and	 to vote	 in my	 behalf	 on	 any	 question	 that	 may	 be	 lawfully	 submi	tted	 to 	
cred	itors	 at such meeting	 or adjourned	 meeting,	 and	 for	 a trustee	 or trustees	 of the	 est	ate of the	 debtor.	 	
[If exe	cute	d by an indi	vidua	l] Acknowledg	ed befor	e me on 	 	. 	
[If exe	cute	d on behal	f of a partnershi	p] Acknowledg	ed befor	e me on 	 	,  	
by 	 	who	 says	 that	 he [or she	] is a membe	r of the partn	ershi	p 	
nam	ed above an	d is author	ized to exe	cute this pow	er of attorney in its behalf.	 	
[If exe	cute	d on behal	f of a corporation	] Acknowledg	ed befor	e me on 	 	,  	
by 	 	who	 says	 that	 he [or she	] is 	 	
of the corporation nam	ed above an	d is author	ized to exe	cute this pow	er of attorney in its behalf.	 	 	
[Official character.	] 	 
* State	 mailing	 address.
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