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Notice of Petition to Adopt and Notice of Rights (Persons with Right to Consent)

The following is a form that has to be used when drafting Notice of Petition to Adopt and Notice of Rights to Persons with Right to Consent.


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Notice of Petition to Adopt and Notice of Rights	 	Approved Board of District Court Judges 	December 17, 2010	 	Revised April 1, 2012	 	Page 	1 of 2 	
 	This is a p	rivate record.	 	
 In the District Court of Utah 
__________ Judicial District  ________________ County  
Court Address ______________________________________________________  
In the Matter of the Adoption of 
( adoptee’s name)  	
Notice of Petition to Adopt  and 
Notice of Right s (Consent)  
For service on:  
Adoptee’s  non-custodial parent  
Adoptee’s guardian (if guardian has authority to 
Case Number ___________________  
Judge  _________________________  
Commissioner ___________________  	
Name	 and Address	 	
(Unless C onsent and Waiver of Notice  has been filed, serve separate Notices  under URCP 4 on: Adoptee 
if over 12 and of mental capacity to consent; Adoptee’s non- custodial parent; and Adoptee’s guardian, if 
guardian has authority to con	sent.)	 	
(1) You are being  notified  of the  Petition to Adopt  
___________________________________ _________ 	
(adoptee’s name)	.  
( 2 )  You have the right to  ask to intervene in this adoption. If your request to 
intervene is granted, you have the right to oppose  this adoption. If you want to 
intervene  in this adoption, you must file a M otion to Intervene  in this court  within 
30 days after this notice is served on you. The Motion to I ntervene must show 
why  the adoption is not in the adoptee’s best interest .

Notice of Petition to Adopt and Notice of Rights	 	Approved Board of District Court Judges 	December 17, 2010	 	Revised April 1, 2012	 	Page 	2 of 2 	
(3 )  If you do not file a  Motion to I ntervene  within 30 days after this notice is served 
on you,  you: 
   waive any right to further notice in this  adoption;  
   forfeit all rights in relation to the adoptee; and  
   are barred from bringing or maintaining any action to asser t any interest in the 
(4)  If your request to intervene is granted, y ou may obtain a copy of the Petition to 
Adopt and other court records  from the clerk of the court at the address above. If 
your request to intervene is denied, you may appeal that  decision to the Supreme 
Court. If you appeal the decision denying your request to intervene, you may 
obtain  the records in this case  if approved by the court, but all information 
identifying the adopti ng parent and the  birth mother will be redacted.
Next: Non-custodial Birth Mothers Consent to Adoption and Waiver of Right Previous: Notice of Petition to Adopt and Notice of Rights (Persons without Right to Consent)
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