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Idaho Divorce Decree With Minor Children Form

In the case of reaching a verdict in a divorce case in the State of Idaho that has minor children involved, the following form has to be completed and submitted.


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Completing Form CAO 8-1: Decree of Divorce [Children]  	 	
Use this form	 for a case with m	inor children (Revised 5/20/2005) 
In an uncontested or default divorce, the Decree of 	Divorce m	ust have exactly the sam	e inform	ation as 	
the Com	plaint.  You cannot change anything without 	the agreem	ent of the othe	r party.  If you do need 	
or want to m	ake changes that both of you agree upon, 	you can file a “Stipulation for Entry of a Decree 	
of Divorce”.  Obtain Court Assistance Office 	Form	 No. CAO 6-8 and CAO Instruction 5A. 	
Exactly like you did in the Com	plaint, at the top left-hand corner of page 1, fill in your nam	e, 	
address and telephone num	ber.  Fill in the county and 	judicial district in the heading (for exam	ple, 	
“In the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Canyon”).  Fill in your 	
full legal nam	e in the caption above “Plaintiff”.  Fill in your spouse’s full \
legal nam	e above 	
“Def	endant”.  Fill in the Case Num	ber.	 	
Leave the date blank in the introductory sentence.  Check either the fir\
st box if this is a default 
divorce, or the second box if you and your spouse f	iled a written stipulation (Form	 CAO 6-8) for 	
the entry of this decree.   
Fill in the nam	e and date of birth for each m	inor child. 	
1A.  Legal Custody  
• 	Check the first box if both parents are fit persons to share the decisio\
n-m	aking rights, 	
responsibilities and authority relating to the health, education and gen\
eral welfare of the 
child/ren.  	or  	 	
• 	Check the second box if one parent is to have sole legal custody of the \
child/ren, 	and	  	
• 	Fill in the blank to indicate which parent will be awarded sole legal cu\
1B.  Physical Custody 
• 	Check the first box if both parents are to be awarded physical custody o\
f the child/ren 	and 	 	
o 	Attach a copy of the Parenting Plan you attached to your Com	plaint.  IMPORTANT:  The 	
Parenting Plan m	ust be attached if you want to m	ake it a part of the Decree of Divorce. 	
• 	Check the second box if physical custody of the child/ren will be awarde\
d to only one 	
parent, 	and	  	
• 	Fill in the blank to indicate which parent will be awarded sole physical\
o 	If the other parent will have tim	e with the child/ren, write in the parent’s nam	e and	  	
o 	W	rite in the term	s and conditions of the other parent’s tim	e with the child/ren.  	or	 	
o 	Attach the Parenting Plan.  IMPORTANT:  The Parenting Plan m	ust be attached to m	ake it 	
a part of the Decree of Divorce. 	
2.  Child Support 
• 	Check the first box if there is already a Child Support Order 	and	 	
o 	W	rite in the case num	ber,  	
o 	The county and state where the order was entered, 	and	 	
o 	The date the child support order was entered.   	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 1

• 	Check the second box if child support will be set in this case 	and	 	
o 	Fill in the nam	e of the parent paying child support and the total am	ount of each m	onthly 	
paym	ent.   	
o 	Fill in the base am	ount of child support 	
o 	If your child support calculation includes a pro rata sharing of m	edical insurance prem	ium	s 	
and/or tax benefits, check the appropriate boxes and fill in the am	ount(s). 	
• 	If you have m	ore than one m	inor child, you will need to have a separate calculation to reflect 	
the changed am	ount of support as each child is no longer eligible for support under Id\
aho law.  	
Fill in the total am	ount of child support, as calculated according to the Idaho Child Suppor\
Extended 	Visits. 	 if 	your 	child/ren l	ive/s w	ith one parent m	ore than 75% of the time: 	
• 	Check the box if you want one or both of the paragraphs included.   	
• 	If you selected the first paragraph, indicate how m	uch the support paym	ent will be reduced by 	
either checking the box for 50% or filling in your own percentage. 	
3.  Medical Insurance:	 Check the appropriate box and fill in the blank to designate how health \
coverage is now being provided for the child/ren.  W	rite in the percentage to be paid by each parent, 	
based on each of your Guidelines incom	e. 	
4.  Health Costs.  W	rite in the pe	rcentage to be paid by each parent, based on each of your Guidelines 	
incom	e. 	
5.  Net W	ork-related Child Care Costs   	
• 	Fill in the percentages each parent will pay. 	
• 	Check the box if both parents will pay the care provider directly. 	
6.  Incom	e Tax Exem	ption:	 W	rite in the blank which parent will claim	 each child as a dependent on 	
their incom	e tax return(s). 	
7.  Separate Property  	 	
• 	Check the first box if you do not want a court order confirm	ing ownership of separate property. 	
• 	If you want a court order confirm	ing that specifi	c separate property belongs to the Husband, or 	
an order that separate property be returned to the Husband, check the se\
cond box and describe 
the property in the f	irst section of	 “Exhibit C“.   Initial and date the Exhibit.   	
• 	If you want a court order confirm	ing that specific 	separate property belongs to the W	ife, or an 	
order that separate property be returned to the W	ife, check the third box and describe the 	
property in the f	irst section of	 “Exhibit D“.  Initial and date the Exhibit.   	
8.  Com	munity Real Property	   	
• 	If you have acquired com	munity real property during the m	arriage, check the box 	and	 	
o 	Fill in the residential address of the property (house num	ber and street nam	e),  	
o 	The nam	e of the city and county 	and	  	
o 	The legal description for the property.   	
• 	Check one of the first three boxes to indicate what the disposition of t\
he com	munity real 	
property and any equity in the property will be, and f	ill in the blanks  	or	   	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 2

• 	Check the fourth box and write in your own words how the property and an\
y equity in the 
property will be distributed. 	
9.  Com	munity Personal Property   	
• 	If you have not acquired any com	munity personal property, check the first box.  	or  	 	
• 	If you have already divided your com	munity personal property and each of you have the 	
property in your possession, check the second box.  	and/or 	 	
• 	If there is specific property awarded to the Husband and the property is\
 already in Husband’s 
possession, check the third box and list the property in the second sect\
ion on “Exhibit C“ 
(Husband’s property).  Initial and date the Exhibit.   	
• 	If there is specific property awarded to the W	ife and the property is already in W	ife’s 	
possession, check the fourth box and list the property in the second sec\
tion on “Exhibit D“ 
(W	ife’s property).  Initial and date the Exhibit.   	
• 	If there is property awarded to the Husband that is still in the possessio\
n of	 the W	ife, check the 	
third box 	and	 list the property in the third section on “Exhibit C“ (Husband’\
s property).  Initial 	
and date the Exhibit.   	
• 	If there is property awarded to the W	ife that is still in the possession of the Husband, check the 	
fourth box 	and	 list the property in the third section on “Exhibit D“ (W	ife’s property).  Initial 	
and date the Exhibit.   
Note:  The Decree of	 Divorce can be used to transf	er titles or deeds; but only if	 the description of	 	
the property is f	irst listed in the Com	plaint or there is a Stipulation f	or Entry of	 Decree and the 	
property description is complete	 and accurate (exam	ple: for vehicles, all identifying inform	ation on 	
the title; f	or real property, a legal description of	 the property and not just the residential address of	 	
the property).   
If you have listed any property on “Exhibit C“ or “Exhibit D“\
, the Exhibits m	ust be attached to 	
every copy of the Decree of Divorce.   Initial and date each Exhibit.   \
10.  Debts 
• 	List each creditor Husband should pay; 	and/or	  	
• 	List each creditor W	ife should pay. 	
Note:	  If both of you are going to pay a part of the sam	e debt, also put in the am	ount each of you 	
should pay.   
11.  Debts Incurred Since Separation.  If the Decree should order that e\
ach party will assum	e any 	
debt incurred by them	 after the separation date, check the box and write in the date you stop\
living together. 
12.  Nam	e Change.	  If either party wants to stop using the last	 nam	e of the spouse and go back to using 	
their form	er last nam	e (any nam	e legally used), f	ill in the nam	e of	 the person wanting the nam	e change 	
and f	ill in the f	orm	er last nam	e.  (Accurate spelling is very im	portant.) 	
Leave the date blank.  The judge will fill in th	e date when s/he signs the Decree of Divorce. 	
Clerk’s certif	icate of	 service: Fill in nam	e, m	ailing address, city, state and zip code f	or Husband and 	
W	ife.  Leave the date blank.  The clerk will fill it in when s/he signs th\
e certificate. 	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 3

Exhibits:  Attach the Parenting Pl	an to the Decree.  If you have listed property on “Exhibits C” and\
“D”, they m	ust also be attached to the Decree.   	
Make three m	ore copies of the Decree (total of 4) with all the Exhibits attached.  \
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 4

Full Name of Party	 Submitting This Document 	
  	 	 	 	 	Mailing Address (Street or Post Office Box) 
  	 	 	 	 	City	, State and Zip Code 	
  	 	 	 	 	Telephone Number	 	
 vs	. 	
Case No.: __________________________ 
This matter came before the court on the ________ day of _______________\
_________.  It appears from the records and files of this action that a \
Complaint was filed and 
served upon the Defendant.   	
[     ] Twenty (20) days have passed; the Defendant is not in the arme\
d services of the 	
United States of America and is not a minor nor an incompetent.  A Defau\
lt has been entered.    
[     ] Defendant and Plaintiff have agreed and signed a written stipula\
tion to the entry of 	
this Decree.   	
It appears that the allegations of the Plaintiff's Complaint are sustain\
ed and the Plaintiff 	
is and was a bona fide resident of the State of Idaho and has been a res\
ident for more than six 
(6) weeks preceding the commencement of this action. 
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 1

The parties are the parents of the following child/ren	, who is/are under the age of 18 	
years, or 19 years and still pursuing a high school education	: 	
Name	                                                                        \
          	 	Date of Birth	 	
__________________________________________________ _____________________\
__________________________________________________ _____________________\
__________________________________________________ _____________________\
__________________________________________________ _____________________\
__________________________________________________ _____________________\
 	The court has jurisdiction to determine custody of the minor child/ren p\
ursuant to the 	
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, Idaho Code Secti\
on 32-11-101, et 
seq. because Idaho was the home state of the minor child/ren on the date\
 of filing the 
 	The court has jurisdiction to determine child support. 	
 	1.  The bonds of matrimony now existing between the Plaintiff and the Defe\
ndant are 	
dissolved on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, and the Plaintif\
f is awarded an absolute 
decree of divorce from the Defendant. 
 	2.  Custody	. 	
A.  Legal Custody. 	
 	[     ] Both parents are awarded joint legal custody of their minor chil\
d/ren.  	or 	
 	 	[     ] ____________________________ is awarded sole legal custody of th\
B.  Physical Custody	.   	
[     ] Both parents are awarded joint physical custody of their child/r\
en on the 	
terms and according to the Parenting Plan which is attached as “Exhib\
it A”.  	or  	 	
 	[     ] _________________________ is awarded sole physical custody of th\
minor child/ren.   
 	____________________________ shall have time with the child/ren 	
 	[     ] as follows:   	
______________________________________________________________________. \
 	 	[     ] in accordance with the Parenting Plan attached as “Exhibit A”\
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 2

3.  Child Support. 	
[     ] Child support has already been set in Case No. _________________\
entered in _________________ County, State of ____________________, on (\
______________________________.   	or	 	
[     ] Child support shall be paid by __________________________ in the\
 total amount 	
of $______________ per month.  The total amount includes: 	
Base child support in the amount of:  	$__________ 	
plus or minus a pro rata share of 	
[    ]  Work-related childcare expenses 	$__________ 	
[    ]  Medical, dental, +/or optical Insurance premiums allocated in th\
e amount of: $__________ 
[    ]  Tax benefits allocated in the amount of: 	$__________ 	
Payments shall begin on the 20th day of the month after the Decree of Di\
vorce is signed 	
and shall continue to be paid on the 20th day of each following month un\
til the child/ren reaches 
the age of eighteen or nineteen for the child who is still pursuing a hi\
gh school education.  
Payment shall be made payable to the Department of Health and Welfare an\
d sent to:	 Idaho 	
Child Support Receipting, P.O. Box 70008, Boise, ID 83707-0108.   	
[     ]  The parents have more than one minor child.  If this child supp\
ort order has not 	
been modified, when one child is no longer entitled to support, child su\
pport for the remaining 
children shall continue in the total amount of $___________ per month; w\
hen two children are 
no longer entitled to support, child support for the remaining child/ren\
 shall continue in the total 
amount of $____________ per month; when three children are no longer ent\
itled to support, 
child support for the remaining child shall continue in the total amount\
 of $____________ per 
 	[     ] 	Extended Visits: 	 Our child/ren live/s in the home of one parent at least 75% of the 	
 	 	[    ] When the parent paying child support has physical custody of the \
child/ren for 	
14 or more overnights in a row, the amount of base child support shall b\
e reduced for that period 
of time; however, visitation of two overnights or 	less with the other parent will not eliminate the 	
reduction of base	 child support during extended visits.  The child support reduction for t\
he period 	
of the actual physical custody shall be [    ] 50% 	or	 [     ]_______% of the base child support 	
obligation.  The reduction shall be subtracted from	 the child support payment due the next month. 	
 	 	[     ] If the parent paying child support has physical custody of some \
but not all of 	
the children for 14 overnights in a row, before a reduction is made, the\
 base child support 
obligation shall first be divided by the number of children under eighte\
en (18) years of age.  The 
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 3

reduction for the paying parent shall only apply to the base child suppo\
rt thus allocated to the 
children in that parent's custody. 
(Example: Parent has 3 of 4 children for 14 overnights.  $300/mo. base \
support payment divided 
by 4 children = $75 per child per month divided by 30  = $2.50 per day p\
er child x 14 = $35.00 x 3 
for 3 children = $105.00.  Reduction = 50% of $105 or $52.50.) 
 	According 	to 	Chapter 	12, Title 32, Idaho Code, this Child Support Order is 	
immediately enforceable through income withholding.  Income 	withholding 	shall 	be 	
enforced by a Withholding Order issued to the paying 	parent’s 	employer 	without 	
additional notice to the paying parent.  A stat	ewide lien on all real and personal property	 	
of the paying parent will arise automatically	 if child support is past due in 	an 	amount 	
equal to the smaller of $2,000 or 90 days 	of 	support, according to Idaho Code §§7-1206 	
and 45-1901, 	et.seq.	  	
The Support Order can also be enforced by license suspension.   
 	4.  Medical Insurance. 	
 	[   ]  	      	 is/are currently providing health 	
insurance for the minor child/ren and shall continue to do so, so long a\
s it is reasonably 
available through that parent’s employment.  	If such insurance becomes unavailable to the 	
parent currently providing insurance, the parent first reasonably able t\
o obtain group health 
insurance through employment shall do so.  	 or  	 	
[   ] Neither parent is currently providing health insurance for the chi\
ld/ren.  The parent 	
first reasonably able to obtain group health insurance through employmen\
t shall do so.  	or 	
[   ] The child/ren participate in the Children’s Health Insurance Pr\
ogram.  The parent 	
first reasonably able to obtain group health insurance through employmen\
t shall do so.  
 	[   ] The total child support amount does not include any actual cost pa\
id by either parent 	
for health insurance premiums for the child/ren.  That cost, whether bei\
ng paid now or incurred 
in the future, should be prorated between the parents in proportion to t\
heir Guidelines income.  
Father should pay __________% and Mother should pay _________%.  The pay\
ment should 
be in addition to the base child support award and promptly paid directl\
y between the parents. 	
[   ] Where medical insurance is provided, each parent is ordered to pro\
vide the other 	
with all medical insurance information necessary to obtain health care f\
or the child/ren.  
Insurance proceeds shall be applied first to unpaid medical bills and th\
en to reimburse the 
paying parent for any prepaid medical costs.  	Both parents shall sign any needed document that 	
provides continuing health care for their child/ren. 	
Failure to provide medical insurance coverage may result in the direct e\
nforcement of a 	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 4

medical support order by either the obligee (party or parent other than\
 the parent ordered to 
carry or provide a health benefit plan for the parties' minor child/ren)\
 or the Department of 
Health and Welfare.  A national medical support 	notice will be sent to your employer, requiring 	
your employer to enroll the child in a health	 benefit plan as provided by Sections 32-1214A 	
through 32-1214J, Idaho Code, and applicable rules of the department. 	
 	5.  Health Care Costs Not Paid by Insurance	.  The actual cost paid by either parent for 	
health care expenses for the child/ren not covered or paid in full by in\
surance, including, but not 
limited to orthodontic, optical and dental, shall be prorated between th\
e parents.   ______ % 
shall be paid by Father and _______ % shall be paid by Mother.  These pa\
yments shall be in 
addition to the child support award and be promptly paid directly betwee\
n the parents.   
 	Any claimed health care expense for the child/ren (whether denominated \
as psychiatric, 	
psychological, special education, addiction treatment or counseling in a\
ny form, and including 
regular medical or dental care), whether or not covered by insurance, t\
hat would result in an 
actual out-of-pocket expense of over $500 to the parent who did not incu\
r or consent to the 
expense, shall be approved in advance, in writing,	 by both parents or by prior court order.  	
Relief may be granted by the court for failure to comply under extraordi\
nary circumstances, and 
the court may in its discretion apportion the incurred expense in some p\
ercentage other than 
that specified herein and, in so doing, may consider whether consent was\
requested or withheld.   	
6.  W	ork-Related Child Care Costs.   	
 	The total child support amount does not include work-related child care \
costs.  The 	
actual net out-of-pocket costs for work-related child care shall be paid\
:  ______% by Father and 
_____% by Mother.  [   ] Payment shall be made di	rectly to the child care provider by both 	
parents according to arrangements made with the care provider.   
 	If one parent pays the child care provider any portion of the other pare\
nt’s share of 	
costs, the non-paying parent shall reimburse t	he paying parent within 10 days after the paying 	
parent provides a copy of the invoice and receipt for the payment.  	
7.  Income Tax Exemption.  The state and federal dependency tax exemption(s) for the 	
parties’ minor child/ren is/are assigned as follows:  
The parent not receiving the exemption(s) shall si	gn the required Internal Revenue Service form(s) 	
to release the claim to the exemption(s). 
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 5

8.  Separate Property.  (Land and/or Personal Property)  	
[   ] None. 
[   ] The separate property listed on the attached “Exhibit C” is \
confirmed as the 	
Husband’s separate property.  Wife is ordered to return to Husband an\
y such property in Wife’s 
[   ] The separate property listed on the attached “Exhibit D” is \
confirmed as the Wife’s 	
separate property.  Husband is ordered to return to Wife any such proper\
ty in Husband’s 
 	9.  Community Real Property	.   	
 	[   ] None. 	
 	[   ] The Husband and Wife have a community interest in real property, l\
ocated at 	
_______________________________________ in the City of 
__________________________, County of ____________________, State of Ida\
ho, and 
described in the deed as follows: 
The real property described above:   
[   ] shall be sold and the net proceeds divided _____% to the Wife and \
_____% to the 	
Husband.  	or 	
[   ] is awarded to the Wife, subject to any liens, and the Husband is o\
rdered to convey 	
his interest in the property to the Wife when she pays him $____________\
______ for his share 
of the equity in the property.  	or 	
[   ] is awarded to the Husband, subject to any liens, and the Wife is o\
rdered to convey 	
her interest in the property to the Husband when he pays her $__________\
_________ for her 
share of the equity in the property.  	or	 	
[   ] __________________________________________________________________\
 10.	  The 	Community	 Personal Property	 of the parties is divided and awarded as 	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 6

[   ] No community personal property.  	or 	
[   ] Each party is awarded the communi	ty personal property now in his or her 	
 	[   ] The property listed in the attached “Exhibit C” is awarded t\
o the Husband as his sole 	
and separate property.   
 	[   ] The property described in the attached “Exhibit D” is awarde\
d to the Wife as her sole 	
and separate property.   
 	Each party is ordered to deliver to the 	other any of the community personal property 	
currently in his/her possession that is awarded to the other party, and \
the parties shall execute 
and deliver any documents necessary to 	effectuate the property division.   	
 	11.  Debts. 	
The Husband is ordered to pay the following debts as or before they beco\
me due and 	
hold the Wife harmless for any further liability concerning these debts:\
  	(list each creditor)	 	
The Wife is ordered to pay the following debts as or before they become \
due and hold 	
the Husband harmless for any further liability concerning these debts:  \
	(list each creditor)	 	
12.  Debts Incurred Since Separation.  [   ] Each party shall assume any debt incurred 	
by that party since ________________________, the date of the parties’\
 separation.  Each 
party is ordered to pay those debts as or bef	ore they become due and to hold the other party 	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 7

harmless for any liability concerning those debts.   
 	13. Name Change.  [    ] _________________________________ is restored to the 	
former last name of ________________________________________. 
Date:  _________________________ 	 	___________________________________ 	
  	 	 	Magistrate 	Judge 	
I certify that a copy of the Decree of Divorce was served: 
(Name)	         [ 	  ] By 	Hand-delivery 	
____________________________________________ 	[   ] By Mailing 	
(Address) 	   	 	 	 	 	 	 	[   ] By fax to	 (number) 	____________ 	
(City	, State and Z	ip) 	   	 	
(Name) 	   	 	 	 	 	 	 	[   ] By Hand-delivery 	
____________________________________________ 	[   ] By Mailing 	
(Address) 	      [ 	  ] By 	fax 	to (number) 	____________ 	
(City	, State and Z	ip) 	
Date:  ____________________________ 	___________________________________ 	
       Deputy 	Clerk 	of 	the 	District 	Court	 	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 8

Attach and Mark as “EXHIBIT A” 	
Attach “EXHIBIT C” 	
HUSBAND’S PROPERTY – if y	ou are using it 	
Attach “EXHIBIT D” 	
WIFE’S PROPERTY - if y	ou are using it	
DECREE OF DIVORCE 	 	CAO 8-1   Revised 5/20/05 	PAGE 9

HUSBA	ND’S SEPA	RA	TE PROPERTY	 	(Describ	e each	 item, in	clu	ding a leg	al descrip	tion for real p	roperty) 	
____  ____________ 	 	
Initials           Date                    	EXHIBIT C

WIFE’S SEPA	RA	TE PROPERTY	 	(Describ	e each	 item, in	clu	ding a leg	al descrip	tion for real p	roperty) 	
______  ____________ 	 	
Initials           Date                    	 	 	       	EXHIBIT D
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