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How to File For Divorce in Alaska Instruction Form

Instructions on How to File For Divorce in Alaska.doc This is a basic guide on the divorce process in Alaska.Download

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What forms do I need to fill out when filing for divorce?   (Use this as your checklist.)  
Complaint for Divorce  With Children , SHC-101  Word  | PDF  (Required) 
Case Description Form ,  CIV- 125S  (Required) 
Information Sheet , DR-314  (Required) 
Child Support Guidelines Affidavit , DR-305  PDF  |  Fill-In PDF  (Required if you have children) 
Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit , DR-150  (Required if you have children) 
Summons , CIV-100 (Required.   You cannot get this off of the Internet; y ou must get it from your local 
court or th rough calling th e Family Law Helpline.)   
Certificate of Divorce , VS-401(Required. You cannot get this off of the  Internet; you must get it from 
your local court,  Bureau of Vital Statistics or th rough the Family Law Helpline.)    
Property & Debt Worksheet ,  SHC -1000  Word |  PDF  (Use if you think the other side may not Answer.) 
How do I fill out the  Complaint?
Th e Complaint  asks for information about you, your spouse and any marital property or debt.  List the
children’s names and  birthdays and describe what custody  and visitation plan you want.   Remember: Use 
BLACK ink for the form, but sign in BLUE ink.  Print your name, address and phone number in the upper left-
hand corner of the first page.  In the caption, print your name above “Plaintiff” and your spouse’s name above 
“Defendant.”    If you think there is any chance the other side will not respond to your paperwork and you will be 
requesting a default, complete the  Property & Debt Worksheet explaining in detail how you want the court to 
divide the marital property  and debt .  3.
How do I fill out the  Child Support Guidelines Affidavit  &  Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit ?
Answer each question completely.  The  Child Support Guidelines Affidavit requires that you attach your
most recent tax return and pay stubs.  If you have questions about how to complete either of these required 
forms call the Family Law Self-Help Center or read the website (see No. 8) . You must sign these forms  in front 
of a notary , who will need to see a picture ID.  Court staff can notarize your signature for free. 4.
How do I fill out the  Case Description Form ?
Ch eck one box.  In the right-hand column  under “Domestic Relations,”  check “Divorce With Children
(CIS DVC ).”  5.
How do I fill out the  Information Sheet?
Fill in all of the information requested in # 1, 2 and 3.  Provide complete information for yourself and the
children in the case, and your spouse if you know it.  Sign your name and date.  When you file the papers to 
start your case, the clerk will give you a case number which you should fill in at the top with the court location 
re you are filing.    6.
How do I fill out the  Summons?
Fill-in the blank spaces in the top half of the form, except the case number.  When you file your papers,
the clerk completes the lower half, which assigns your judge and case number.  7.
How do I fill out the  Certificate of Divorce ?
This is the form that goes to the Bureau of Vital Statistics after the divorce is final.  Answer questions
11- 30, without making any cross-outs or corrections. The court will complete the rest  after the divorce.  If you 
do not know the information for your spouse, leave it blank and let him/her provide it to the court.  8.
What if I have questions about filling out these forms or procedures?Contact the Family Law Self-Help Center at (907) 264-0851 or (866) 279-0851 (outside of Anchorage but 
from an Alaska-based phone number) or visit  Please see our
How to Start a Contested Case , SHC-181 Word | PDF.
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