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Georgia Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings Form

To enter a specific divorce court hearing, interested individual must fulfill and file this form with the court clerk’s office.Download

Extracted Text for Proper Search

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF                     	 COUNTY 
  	Plaintiff  :   
                                   :    FILE NO:                         	
Defendant  :  DIVORCE 
Comes Now the Plaintiff in the above captioned divorce case and moves the 
Court for a judgment on the pleadings on the grounds that: 
That Plaintiff’s petition, along with Defendant’s Acknowledgement of 
Service, and Consents to Trial, were filed in the Court over 30 days ago. 
The Defendant has not filed any answer, counterclaim nor any other 
defensive pleadings in this case. 
The marriage between the Parties is irretrievably broken, and there is no 
chance of reconciliation between the Parties. 
Wherefore, Plaintiff moves the Court for a divorce Decree on the pleadings, 
as there is no issue of fact for the Court, without a jury, to determine. 
      Respectfully Submitted, 
      Plaintiff’s Name

Plaintiff’s Address
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There are quite a few motions, and it is now standard practice to file certain types of motions with the court depending on the sort of case. If you bring a motion for summary judgment, you're asking the court to create a last ruling on the case prior to a trial was conducted. Motions might be used in many methods to help your case. Pretrial motions can resolve many crucial questions regarding your lawsuit.
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In case the Defendant is not able to submit an answer in person it's possible to send a person to answer known as the respondent. He is not entitled to a hearing, but can challenge the registration in certain circumstances. He does not need to affirmatively disprove the plaintiff's case, but may prevail simply by pointing to the lack of evidence.

The courts haven't any way that will help you enforce your judgment. In addition, it will weigh facts based on the type of evidence you present. If it's a greater court, then you must retain an attorney.

In the event of your family and friends, a judge is inclined to think they will support you at any cost, so choose wisely. He is going to focus on your parenting skills see you as an individual. Once he receives the Motion, he or she will review the settlement agreement and the Final Judgment and Decree and if it meets with his or her approval, he or she will sign the Final Judgment and Decree and your divorce will be finalized without having to go to court.

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