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Texas Name Change Petition Form

To apply for a legal name change in the State of Texas, interested individual must accomplish this form and send it to the county clerk’s office.


Extracted Text for Proper Search

5 NO ._______	
§(leave blank) JUDI\fIAL DISTRI\fT
________________, AnAdult §§OF ____________ \fOUNTY,TEXAS	
1. Disco very in th is case isinte nde dto be conducted underle ve l2 of rule 190 ofthe
Texa sR ules ofCiv il Proce dure.
2. Thissui tis brought by______(n ame)___________, Petitioner, whoresides at
____________________, ______,______County,Texas. Petitioner isan adult. Inacco r�
da nce with sec tion 45.102 ofthe Texas Family Code,the following information issupplied
about Petit ione r:
Full true name :______
Sex: Male\bFe mal e
Rac e: ______
Da teandplac eof birth: _______________
Dri verÕs licen se nu mber of any license iss ued within the past ten yea rs:_____________
Soc ialSec uri ty nu mber :______
F BI orSID numbe r,if known, orother refere nce number toacr iminal�history record
system: __________ ____________
\f.Nooffen se has been char ged against Petitionerabove the grade ofclass Cmi sde �
mea nor (Ifof fen se has been charged, listthe offe nse, case number andcourt ofoffense).
4. Pet ition erhas\b hasnot been thesubject ofafinal felony conv iction.
5. Pet ition er is\b is not subject to th e registrat ion requireme ntsof chapter 62ofth e
Texa sCode of C rimina lProcedure.
6. Pet ition errequ ests the Court togrant achange ofPet itio ne rÕs name to______.
7. Thereason for the reque stedchange is______.
8. Pet ition er include swith thisPetition alegible andcomplete set of his\bher finger�
prints onafin ger print cardfor mat acceptable tothe TexasDepart mentofPublic Safety and
theFeder alBure auofInvestigation.
9. Petitioner praysthat the Co urtgr ant Petitio nerÕsPetition forCha ng eof Nam eof Adult.
Peti tioner pray sfo rgener alrelief.
Respe ctfull ysubm itte d,
I, _____________________, Petitioner ,sw ear under oaththat thefacts stated inthe
abov eOr igin alPetition forCha nge of N ame of Adult aretrue and correct.	
SI GNE Dunde roa th before meon ______________________ .
NotaryPubl ic , Sta teof T exas
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