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Texas Eviction Notice Defendant Jury Demand Form

The following form can be used in the justice court (also known as Justice of the Peace or JP Court”. This form can also be used in the county court if the case was appealed (may require some modifications). The form must be downloaded, filled and submitted. Please note that the filing instructions are available below.


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!"#"$%&$'()*+,-.*!"/&$%**This form is ready to be used in justice court (Justice of the Peace, or "JP" court), but it can also be used in county court if you appealed the case (with some extra modifications). You will need to download it, print it and fill it out (instructions on filing it out are below). The form is ready to be downloaded in the following formats:  Once the form is printed you will need to fill in these blanks in the form:   1 The first blank at the top of the form is the Case Number. This number is on the documents you were served with by the constable or sheriff from the court.   2 On the right side at the top is the court information. Put the County of suit in the blank and put which Precinct and Place of the justice court where the suit was filed (e.g., Precinct 1, Place 2, Dallas County, Texas). This information is also on the documents you were served with by the constable or sheriff from the court.   3 Since the landlord filed the suit, it is the Plaintiff. Put your name in the blank for Defendant.   4 Then sign your name at the bottom. Print your name, complete address and phone number below your signature.   5 You are required to send a copy of the document to the landlord. In the Certificate of Service indicate which method you are going to use to give the landlord a copy of the document, place the date you sent it, and then sign your name at the bottom of the certificate of service.   Finally, read over the form and make sure it has been filled out completely. Then make two copies of the signed form and take them, with the original to the justice court for filing. The court will keep the original, and give you back one copy to serve on the landlord and one for your records. Don't forget that you will have to pay a jury fee of $5.00. For more information on proceeding with the case, see Eviction Process, and Representing Yourself.  !

Defendant’s Demand for Jury Trial -- Page 1	
NO. _________________	
(cause number)	
_________________________________,	)	IN THE JUSTICE COURT	
PLAINTIFF 	(Landlord)	,	)	
vs.	)
)	PRECINCT ___, PLACE ___	
_________________________________,	)	
DEFENDANT 	(Your Name)	.	)	_________ COUNTY, TEXAS	
1.	 	Defendant enters a general denial.	
2.	 	Defendant demands a jury trial and tenders a jury fee of $5.00 to the Court.	
Defendant demands a jury trial and requests this Court:	
a. grant Plaintiff nothing;
b. grant Defendant a judgment against Plaintiff for all costs and damages; and
c. grant Defendant any other relief to which Defendant is entitled.	
Respectfully submitted,
(Your Signature)
(Your Printed Name)
(Your Address)
(Your City, State, Zip)
(Your Phone Number)

Defendant’s Demand for Jury Trial -- Page 2	
Certificate of Service	
I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been:	
(choose one)	
!	 sent by mail; or	
!	 faxed; or	
!	 hand delivered	
to Plaintiff or Plaintiff’s agent on this ____ day of ________________, 20___.	
  	(date)	           (month)	               (year)	
(Your Signature)
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