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Illinois Domestic LLC Articles of Organization Form

In the case of wanting to create a domestic limited liability company in the State of Illinois, the following form has to be completed and submitted. A $500 fee has to be submitted along with this form.


Extracted Text for Proper Search

1\b Lim it e d L ia bilit y  C om pany N am e:  _ __
_ _____________________________
_ _________________
_ __________________________
\f \b Addre ss o f  P rin cip al  P la ce  o f  B usin ess w here  r e co rd s o f  th e c o m pany w ill  b e k e pt:  ( P 
\b O \b  B ox a lo ne o r c /o  is  u nacce pta ble \b)
_ _______________________________________
_ _________________________
_ _________________
_ ____________________
_ _______________________________________
_ _________________________
_ _________________
_ ____________________
3 \b Artic le s o f  O rg 
a niz a tio n e ff e ctiv e  o n:  ( c h eck o ne)	
r	th e filin g d ate	
r	a  la te r d ate  ( n o
t   to  e xce ed 6 0 d ays a fte r th e filin g d ate ):  _ _____________ __
_ __ _
_ __ ___ _
_ __ _
_ __
_ __ _
_ __ ________________
4\b Regis te re d A gent’s  N am e a nd R egis te re d O ff ic e  A ddre ss:
R egis te re d A gent:  _ ________
_ ____________
_ _________________________
_ _________________
_ ________________________
R egis te re d O ff ic e :  _ ___
_ ___________
_ _____________
_ ___________
_ _________________
_ ______________________________
_ ________
_ _________________
_ ______
_ _________________
_ _________________
_ ____________________
5\b Purp ose (s ) fo r w hic h  th e L im it e d L ia bilit y  C om pany is  o rg aniz e d:
T he t r a n sactio n o f a n y o r a ll  la w fu l  b usin ess f o r w hic h  L 
i m it e d  L ia b ilit y  C om pan ie s m ay b e o rg an iz e d  u nder t h is  A ct.
(L LC s o rg aniz e d to  p ro vid e p ro fe ssio nal  s e rv ic e s m ust  lis t  
t h e a ddre ss(e s) fr o m  w hic h  th ose  s e rv ic e s w ill  b e r e ndere d if   d if f e re nt   .
fr o m  it e m  \f \b  If  m ore  s p ace  is  n eeded,  u se  a ddit io nal  s h eets  o f  th is  s iz e \b)  
_ ______________________________
_ _________________________
_ ________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ________________________________________________
6\b Late st  d ate ,  if   a ny,  u pon w hic h  th e c o m pany is  to  d is so lv e :  _ ___________________
_ _____________________________________ F orm
L LC -5 .5	
M ay \f 01\f	
Illin ois  
Lim it 
e d L ia bilit y  C om pany A ct	
A rtic le s o f O rg an iz a tio n	
Fir s t  N am e
Num ber
C it y	
( P \bO \b  B ox a lo ne o r c /o
is  u nacce pt
a ble \b)	
Z IP  C ode S tr e etS uit e  # M id dle  In it ia l	
L ast  N am e
Month ,  D ay,  Y ear M onth ,  D ay,  Y ear	
P rin te d b y a uth orit y  o f  th e S ta te  o f  Illin ois \b  M ay \f 01\f —  1  —  L LC  4 \b1 6	
(L eave b la n k if  d ura tio n is  p erp etu al.)	
T he L LC  n am e m ust  c o nta in  th e w ord s L im it e d L ia bilit y  C om pany,  L \bL \bC \b  o r L LC  a nd c a nnot  c o nta in  th e
te rm s C orp ora tio n,  C orp \b,  In co rp ora te d,  In c\b,  L td \b,  C o\b,  L im it e d P artn ers h ip  o r L \bP \b	
T h
i s  s p ace f o r u se  b y
  S ecre ta ry  o f S ta te .	
F ilin g
  F ee\b $ 500
A ppro ved 
Typ e o r p rin t  c le arly \b Se cre ta ry  o f S ta te   
D epartm ent  o f  B usin ess S erv ic e s
Lim it e d L ia bilit y  D iv is io n
501 S \b  S eco nd S t\b,  R m \b
  3 51
S prin gfie ld ,  IL   6 \f756
\f17-5 \f4-8 008
w ww\bc yb erd riv e illin ois \bc o m	
P aym en t  m ust  b e  m ad e  b y  certif ie d
ch eck,  c ash ie r’s  c h 
e ck,  Illin ois  a tto rn ey’s
c h eck,  C .P .A .’s  c h ec
k  o r  m oney o rd 
e r
p ayab le  t o  S ecre ta ry  o f S ta te .	
T his  s p ace  f
o r u se 
  b y S ecre ta r
y  o f  S ta te \b FIL E  #

7\b (O ptio nal) O th er p ro vis io ns fo r
  th e r e gula tio n o f  th 
e  in te rn al  a ff a ir s  o f  th e C om pany:  ( If  m ore  s p ace  is  n eeded,  a tta ch  a ddit io nal 
s h eets  o f  th is  s iz e \b)   _ _________
_ _____________________________
_ _______________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ ___________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
8\b The L im it e d L ia bilit y  C om pany:  ( C heck e it h er a  o r b  b elo w \b)
a \b	
r  	is  m anaged
  b y th e m an ag er(s ) (L is t  n am es a nd a 
d dre sse s\b)
_ _______________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ ___________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
r  	has m anagem ent  v e ste d in  th e m em ber(s ) (L is t  n am es a nd a d
d re sse s\b)
_ _______________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ ___________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
_ _________________________
_ ___________
_ __________________________________________________
9\b Nam e a nd A ddre ss o f  O rg an
i z e r(s ):
I  a ff ir m ,  u nde
r  p enalt ie s o f  
p erju ry ,  h avin g a uth orit y  to  s ig n h ere to ,  
t h at  th ese  A rtic le s o f  O rg aniz a tio n a re  to  th e b est  o f  m y k n ow -
le dge a nd b elie f,  tr u e,  
c o rre ct  a nd c o m ple te \b
D ate d _ __________________________
_ _____,  _ _______________
1\b ________________
_ _________________
_ __________________ 1\b _____________
_ _____________________________
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
\f\b _____________________________________________________ \f\b ___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
S ig natu re s m ust b e in  b la ck in k o 
n  a n  o rig in al  d ocu m en t.  C arb on c o py,  p hoto co py o r r u bber s ta m p s ig natu re s m ay o nly  b e
used  o n c o nfo rm ed  c o pie s.	
M onth  &  D ay
Y ear
S ig natu re
N am e ( ty p e o r p rin t)
N am e if   a  C orp ora tio n o r o th er E ntit y ,  a nd T it le  o f  S ig ner
S ta te
Z IP  C ode C it y /T o w n Num ber
S tr e et
S ig natu re
N am e ( ty p e o r p rin t)
N am e if   a  C orp ora tio n o r o th er E ntit y ,  a nd T it le  o f  S ig nerS ta te
Z IP  C ode C it y /T o w n Num ber
S tr e et	
L LC -5 .5
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