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Connecticut Business Entity Tax Return Form

The business entity tax has to be paid by any s corporation that is registered in the State of Colorado. To pay this tax, the s corporation has to complete and send the entity tax return form.


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Department of Revenue Services	 	State of Connecticut
(Rev. 12/12)	
Form OP‑424 (DRS/N)
Business Entity Tax Return	
Business Entity Tax	 	
The business entity tax (BET) is an annual tax of $250 imposed on 
the following business types:
•	 S	corporations 	(Qualified	 subchapter	 S	subsidiaries	 (QSSS)	are	
not liable for the BET.);
•	 Limited 	liability 	companies 	(LLCs 	or 	SMLLCs) 	that 	are, 	for 	federal	
income	tax	purposes,	either:
•		 Treated	as	a	partnership,	if	it	has		two	or	more	members;	or
•	 Disregarded	 as	an	 entity	 separate	 from	its	owner,	 if	it	has	 a	
single member; 	
•		 Limited	liability	partnerships	(LLPs);		and	
•		 Limited	partnerships	(LPs).
The  BET  applies  to  those  business  entities  listed  above  if  either: 	 	
1) the entity was formed under Connecticut law; or 2) the entity was 
not  formed  under  Connecticut  law  but  is  required  to  register  with 
or	obtain	 a	certificate	 of	authority	 from	the	Connecticut	 Secretary	
of the State before transacting business in the state (regardless of 
whether  or  not  the  entities  have  complied  with  the  requirement). 
Visit  the  Department  of  Revenue  Services  (DRS)  website  at 	for additional information regarding the BET. 	
Required Information: 	Enter	the 	entity’s 	taxable 	year, 	Connecticut		
T a x 	R e g i s t r a t i o n 	N u m b e r , 	F e d e r a l 	E m p l o y e r 	I d e n t i f i c a t i o n	
Number	 (FEIN),	and	Connecticut	 Secretary	of	the	 State	 Business	
Identification 	Number 	in 	the 	spaces 	provided 	at 	the 	top 	of		 	
Form	OP-424.
Due Date: 	The business entity tax must be paid to DRS on or before 	
the 	fifteenth 	day 	of 	the 	fourth 	month 	(April 	15 	for 	calendar 	year 	filers)	
following	 the	close	 of	each	 taxable	 year	of	the	 entity.	 An	entity’s	
taxable	 year	is	its	 taxable	 year	for	federal	 income	 tax	purposes.	 If	
the	due	 date	 falls	on	a	Saturday,	 Sunday,	or	legal	 holiday,	 the	next	
business day is the due date.
Interest: 	If	the	 tax	is	not	 paid	 by	the	 due	 date,	 interest	 is	computed		
on any unpaid tax at the rate of 1% per month or fraction of a month 
until the tax is paid in full.
Penalty:	 The penalty for late payment of the tax due is $50.	
Signature:	 This return must be signed by a general partner if the 	
entity	 is	a	partnership,	 or,	if	the	 entity	 is	a	limited	 liability	 company,	
by	anyone 	with 	authority 	to 	sign 	the 	return. 	If 	the 	entity 	is 	an	 	
S	corporation,	an	officer	must	sign	the	return.	
Waiver  of  Penalty: 	To 	request 	a 	penalty 	waiver, 	complete 	and		
submit 	Form DRS ‑PW	,	Request for Waiver of Civil Penalty	. DRS 	
will 	only 	consider 	the 	request 	if 	Form 	DRS-PW 	is 	fully 	completed	
and 	properly 	executed. 	Taxpayers 	may 	mail 	Form 	DRS-PW 	to	
the 	address 	listed 	below 	or 	fax 	it 	to 	the 	Penalty 	Waiver 	Unit 	at	
860 ‑297 ‑4797	.
Department of Revenue Services	 	
Penalty	Waiver	Unit	 	
PO	Box	5089	 	
Hartford	CT	06102-5089	
For	 detailed	 information	 about	the	penalty	 waiver	process	 and	to	
obtain	 Form	DRS-PW,	 go	to	the	 DRS	 website	 at	 	
and	click 	the 	link 	for 	Penalty 	Waiver 	Request. 	See 		Policy Statement 	
2010(1)	,	Request for Waiver of Civil Penalties	.	
Where to File 
File Electronically: 	This	 return	 can	be	filed	 electronically	 through		
the 	Taxpayer Service Center	 (TSC)	. The 	TSC	 allows taxpayers to 	
electronically	 file,	pay,	 and	manage	 state	tax	responsibilities.	 Visit	 to make electronic transactions or administer your 	
tax	account	 online.	If	you	 file	electronically,	 you	are	expected	 to	pay	
electronically	at	the	time	of	filing.
File  a  Paper  Return: 	Mail 	this 	return 	to 	Department 	of 	Revenue		
Services, 	State 	of 	Connecticut, 	PO 	Box 	2936, 	Hartford 	CT 	06104-2936.
Payment Options
Pay  Electronically: 	Visit 	to  make  a  direct 	
tax	 payment.	 Using	this	option	 authorizes	 DRS	to	electronically	
withdraw a payment from your bank account (checking or savings) 
on	 a	date	 you	select	 up	to	the	 due	 date.	 If	you	 pay	electronically,	
you	must	still	file	your	return	on	or	before	the	due	date.	
Pay by Mail: 	Make	 check	 payable	 to		Commissioner of Revenue 	
Services	.	To 	ensure 	payment 	is 	applied 	to 	your 	account, 	write 	“	2012 	
Form OP ‑424	” and the entity’s Connecticut Tax Registration Number 	
on the front of your check. Do not send cash. DRS may submit your 
check to your bank electronically.
For More Information: 	Call 	DRS 	Monday 	through 	Friday, 	8:30 	a.m.	
to 	4:30 	p.m. 	at 		1‑800 ‑382 ‑9463	  (Connecticut  calls  outside  the 	
Greater Hartford calling area only) or 	860‑297‑5962	 (from anywhere).	
TTY	,	TDD	,	and Text Telephone users only	 may transmit inquiries 	
anytime	by	calling	860-297-4911.	
An entity is liable for the BET until it officially dissolves/withdraws with the Connecticut Secretary of the State. An entity is 
also liable for the BET for the year in which it officially dissolves/withdraws with the Connecticut Secretary of the State.
 1. Business entity tax  	 	1. 	$250 00	
	 2.	If	late:	Enter	penalty.	See		Penalty	 above.	  2. 	00	
 3.	If	late:	Enter	interest.	See		Interest	 above.	  3.		00	
	 4.	Total	amount	due:	 Add	Lines	1,	2,	and	3.	  4.		00	
State of Connecticut 	(Rev. 12/12)	      Form OP‑4 24 (DRS/N)  – Business Entity Tax Return	 	2012	
Detach and return bottom portion.	
	 For	taxable 	year 	ending	 Connecticut 	Tax 	Registration 	Number	 Federal 	Employer 	ID 	Number	 Secretary 	of 	State 	Business	 ID 		 DRS 	use 	only	
  –  – 20	 	 	   		
 Business name
	Address	 Number	and	street	 PO	Box
	City	or	town	 	 State	 ZIP	code	
Enter	business	name	and	address.	Please	print	or	type.	
		
Mail to:	 Department of Revenue Services	  State of Connecticut	 		 PO	Box	2936	 		 Hartford	CT	06104-2936
 Check	if 	this 	is 	a 	final 	return.	
 Check if the entity has been dissolved/withdrawn with the CT Secretary of the State.
 Check if changing status (example S Corporation to a C Corporation).	
Visit to file and pay Form OP-424 using the 	TSC	.	
Declaration:		I 	declare 	under 	penalty 	of 	law 	that 	I 	have 	examined 	this 	return 	and, 	to		the 	best 	of 	my 	knowledge 	and 	belief, 	it 	is 	true, 	complete, 	and 	correct. 	I 	understand	the 	penalty 	for 	willfully 	delivering 	a 	false 	return 	or 	document 	to 	DRS 	is 	a 	fine 	of 	not	more 	than 	$5,000, 	imprisonment 	for 	not 	more 	than 	five 	years, 	or 	both.
Sign here	 __________________________________	Date	  __________________
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