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Colorado 3 Day Notice to Quit Form

If a tenant violated the lease agreement, landlord/property manager can issue this notice to the aforementioned tenant. Once issued, tenant will be given three days to rectify her/his violation.Download

Extracted Text for Proper Search

COUNTY OF____________	 	
TO: 	 	          	_________________________________________, and all other occupants.	 	
ADDRESS:   _______________________________________, Apt. ________________	 	
 	      	    	_______________________________	____	, Colorado	 ___________	 (the “Premises”).	 	
You are hereby notified by the undersigned Landlord that the Landlord will terminate your right to possess 
the Premises. Accordingly, you are notified to quit	 the P	remises and	 surrender possession on or before three 	
days from the date of the service	 of this N	otice.  Surrender of possession of the Premises does not release 	
you from your financial obligations pursuant to the lease.	  	
The Landlord is terminating your tenancy becau	se of the following incident(s):	 	
_________________________________________________________________	______________	
_______________________________________________________________________________	. 	
This incident(s) represents a violation of the	 Lease, which prohibits unlawful be	havior and also represents a 	
Substantial Violati	on of the implied terms of the Rental A	greement as defined by C.R.S. 13	-40	-107.5 in that it 	
was an act or series of acts, by the tenant or guest or invitee of the ten	ant, which occurred on or near the 	
Premise	s and which endangered the person of another, or willfully and substantially endangered the property 	
of another, constituted a violent or drug related felony, or is punishable by	 a term of imprisonment of 6 	
months or more and has been declared a public nui	sance. 	 	
Date to be s	erved: _________________, 200__	 	
By: _____________________________	 	
Certificate of Service	 	
I hereby certif	y that I served this 	3-day Notice to Quit for Substantial Violation the _____day of ____________	, 	
200_	__	_by:	 	
_____	  	posting in a conspicuous place on the premises; 	or	  	
_____	  	leaving a true copy 	with _	_________________	__________	___.	 	
By: __________________	________________
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