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Unavailable Witness Affidavit

Executors, Executrixes, or Counsels in the Estate of a Decedent must fulfill this affidavit should they be momentarily unavailable to verify authenticity of signature.Download

Extracted Text for Proper Search

Rev. 01/12 	
Estate of:         	  File No.:      	 	
Register of Wills of Bucks County, Pennsylvania	 	
Unavailable Witness Affida	vit	 	
I, ____________________________________ , being duly sworn according to law, depose and  
[Print Full Name]  	
sa y that I, as the Executor/ Executrix/Counsel, in the Estate of          	, 
declare that            	
 whose signature(s) 
appear(s) as a subscribing w itness(es) to the 	
Will dated        	
                    	and/or 	Codicil(s)  dated        	 is/are not readily 
avai lable to prove the signature of           	
Testator/Testatrix by reason of his/her/their :  	
[Explana tion of Unavailability]  	
(C it y, St at e, Zip)        
Executed in Register’s Office      Executed out of Register’s Office  
Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed b efore    Before me the undersigned personally appeared the 
me this    	
 day of      	,    party executing this Affidavit  and certified  
        that he or she executed the Affidavit   for the   
.       purpose stated on this      	 day of  	
            	, 20   	. 	
for Register of Wills                                        Notary Public 
        My Commission Expires:  
        	(Signature and Seal of Notary Public or other official qualified   
        to  administer oat hs.  Show date of expiration of  Notary’s   
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