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Surety Bond Mobile Home Dealer

You are required to complete the Surety Bond Mobile Home Dealer Form accurately. This form has to be filed with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles at 2900 APALACHEE PARKWAY ROOM A312, Mailstop #765 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0500.


Extracted Text for Proper Search

SAFETY and MOTOR VEHICLES                 
2900 APALACHEE PARKWAY               
ROOM A312, Mailstop #765                    
TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0500                        
  K NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:  	BO ND NUM BE R :  _______________________________	 	 	 	  That  we  __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
____ _________________________________________________________________________________________________  as pr incipal 
and  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________  a 
surety c ompany q ualified to d o b usiness i n t he State o f Florida, a s surety a re he ld a nd firmly b ound  unto the duly appointed and qualified 
Director o f t he D ivision o f  Motor ist Services o f t he S tate o f F lorida, an d  the s uccessors i n o ffice o f s aid D irector, i n t he p en al  sum o f 
_______________  Dollars, f or t he pa yment  whereof  well a nd t ruly t o be   made,  we do  hereby j ointly a nd s everally b ind o urselves, o ur 
heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, firmly these presents:  
  Signed and Sealed this  ________  day of ________________________,  _______.     The condition of the above obligation is such that:    	WHEREAS, 	the above named principal has made to the o bligee hereunder application for a l icense, under Section 320.77, Florida 
Statutes, t o e ngage i n t he bus iness  of b uying, s elling or  d ealing i n  mobile h omes or  of fering or  di splaying  mobile hom es  for  sale, as  
defined by the said law, and  	
  	WHEREAS,	 the above named principal is required as a condition precedent to his appointment as such dealer to deliver annually to 
the obligee hereto a good and sufficient surety bond for the license period conditioned t hat said principal shall comply with the conditions 
of any written contract made by such dealer in connection with the sale or exchange of any mobile homes and shall not violate  any o f t he 
provisions of Chapter 319 and 320, Florida Statutes, in the conduct  of the business for which he is licensed, and  	
  	WHEREAS	, s uch b ond s hall b e i n f avor o f an y p erson i n  a r etail o r  wholesale t ransaction  who s hall  suffer an y l oss a s a r esult o f 
any violation of the conditions hereinabove contained.  	
  	NOW, THEREFORE,	 if th e above named principal shall fully comply with the conditions of any written contract made by him as 
such dealer in connection  with the sale or exchange of any mobile home, and shall pay o r cause to be paid to any retail customer any loss 
or damages which  any retail customer shall sustain as a result of any failure to comply with the conditions of any written contract made by 
such dealer in connection with the sale or e xchange of a ny mobile ho me or as a result o f any violation of the provisions of C hapter 319 or 
320, Florida Statutes, in t he c onduct o f t he b usiness o f  which  he i s licensed, then  this obligation shall be  void, otherwise to remain i n  full 
force and effect.  	
        This bon d be comes e ffective a s o f  ________________________, _ _______, i n s upport  of a l icense i ssued  for t he t erm e nding 
__________________________,  ________ , a nd  may be   continued b y c ertificate e ach  year i n  support of  a ny l icense i ssued f or a ny 
subsequent year.  
        	 P r ovided, 	however, that the a ggregate liability of the surety hereunder shall in no event, in a ny one (1) year, exceed the sum o f the 
bond, which shall include the total sum of any rider attached thereto pursuant to Section 320.77, Florida Statutes.  	
    	P r ovided,	 further, the surety shall have the right to terminate it s liability hereunder by serving written notice of its election so to do, 
by  United S tates r egistered  mail,  upon t he  obligee, an d t hereupon t he s urety s hall b e  discharged  from a ny  liability h ereunder  for a ny 
default of the principal, after the expiration o f thirty (30) days from and after service of such notice.	
_______________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________ 
_______________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________ 
_______________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________ 
_______________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________ 
_______________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________ 
CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE     TYPED NAME OF SURETY AGENT                                       
TELEPHONE NUMBER                                                        	 	
H SM V 86018 (R ev. 08/11)
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