State of Florida Immunization Section Florida Department of Health Florida Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program 2014 Provider Reenrollment Form
The Complete the Provider Reenrollment form is acquired either electronically through the Florida Health Department’s website or by fax or mail. The mentioned agreement must be completed with the Vaccines for Children Program’s conditions.
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01/2014 1 of 5 State of Florida – Immunization Section Florida Department of Health Florida Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program 2014 Provider Reenrollment Form Instructions: The Provider Reenrollment Form is the provider’s agreement to comply with all the conditions of the VFC Program. Providers must complete this form annually. 1. Complete this form. You may also submit this form electronically via our website at and-wellness/immunization/vaccines-for-children/reenrollment.html . 2. Fax or mail your application to: Florida Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-11, Tallahassee, FL 32399- 1700 Fax: 850- 245-4734 3. All providers must comply with Vaccine Storage Equipment Requirement prior to participating in the VFC Program . Please indicate your agreement with the following requirement s: _______ I: have a certified, calibrated thermometer for each vaccine storage unit. have a stand-alone, two-door refrigerator/freezer or equivalent unit. will notify the VFC Program when the VFC Program Coordinator, who is responsible for vaccine management, changes. Provider Profile Section N AME OF PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE, PRACTICE, OR CLINIC ASSIGNED VFC PIN Vaccine Delivery Information ( All Fields Required) Mailing Information VACCINE DELIVERY ADDRESS (Number/Street - No P.O. Boxes ) MAILING ADDRESS ( if different from shipping information ) CITY ZIP CODE CITY ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER VFC Program Coordinator * : EMAIL ADDRESS Back - Up VFC Program Coordinator * : EMAIL ADDRESS Check the one provider category that best describes you: Doctor’s Clinic Hospital Clinic County Health Department FQHC (Federally Qualified Health Center) Birthing Hospital Indian Tribes School Clinic Community Health Center Juvenile Correctional Center Other (specify): *The VFC Program Coordinator and the Back-Up VFC Program Coordinator will be assigned ordering and inventory permissions for this VFC Program PIN within the Florida SHOTS account. In order to participate in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program and/or to receive other publicly funded vaccine provided to me at no cost, I, on behalf of myself and all practitioners associated with this medical office, group practice, health maintenance organization, health department, community/rural clinic, or other entity of which I am the medical director or equivalent, agree to the following conditions: 1. Screen patients and document eligibility status at all immunization encounters for eligibility and administer VFC Program-purchased vaccine only to children who are 18 years of age or younger, and meet one or more of the following categories: a. American Indian or Alaskan Native b. Enrolled in Medicaid c. Has no health insurance
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