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Speech Valuation Form

Speech Evaluation Form.pdf Use to grade a speaker based on: Intro Body Conclusion Delivery Overall Download

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Rate the speaker on each point:             | Speaker  _____________________	
      E         G          A         F        P   |
excellent  good  average   fair   poor | Topic _______________________
Introduction                         |         Comments
_____  gained attention and interest |
_____  introduced topic clearly      |
_____  established credibility       |
_____  previewed body of speech      |
Body                                 |
_____  main points clear             |
_____  main points fully supported   |
_____  organization well planned     |
_____  language accurate, clear, concise    |	
  appropriate to audience and  occasion |	
_____  smooth transitions between ideas                   |
Conclusion                           |
_____  prepared audience for ending  |
_____  reinforced central idea       |
_____  effectively summarizes speech |
Delivery                             |
_____  maintained eye contact        |
_____  used voice effectively        |
_____  used nonverbal communication  |	
effectively                   |	
_____  communicated enthusiasm for  topic              |
Overall Evaluation                   |
_____  topic challenging and narrowed  |
_____  specific purpose well chosen |
_____  speech adapted to audience    |
_____  speech completed in time limit                       |
Additional Comments:
Speech met the assignment?    _______________________________________________
What did the speaker do most effectively?  _____________________________________
What should the speaker pay special attention to next time?  _______________________
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On occasion the objective is clear, but not always. The objective of the meeting is to talk about the testing outcome and make a decision as to what services, if any, the kid should receive. You're certainly not predicted to have a vast comprehension of every term below the sun. To determine key words try to find the specifics in the work description. Additional evidence of English proficiency is needed to assume the use of a teaching assistant.

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