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Parenting Plan

Parenting Plan.pdf This form is used when coming to terms with the custody of the minor children in the marriage.Download

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Petitioner: ___________________________________ 
Respondent: _________________________________ 
Civil Action # _____________________               
  This is an agreement between _________________________________ and 
______________________________________, the parents of the minor child(ren) 
whose names and birthdates are as follows: 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
______________________________________   ____________________ 
By signing below, the parties recognize that: 
A)  a close and continuing parent-child relationship and continuity in the child(ren)’s  life will be in the child(ren)’s best interest; 
B)  the child(ren)’s needs will change and grow as the child matures; 
  C)  each parent shall make decisions regarding the day-to-day care of a child while  that child is residing with that parent, including any emergency decisions 
affecting the health or safety of a child; decisions that affect the other parent’s 
parenting time shall be communicated promptly; and 
D)  both parents will have access to all of the child(ren)’s records and information,  including but not limited to, education, health, extra-curricular activities, and 
religious communications.

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The parties will consult each other and attempt to arrive at consensus on major 
decisions. Should they be unable to reach consensus final decisions will be made as 
Non-emergency health care    ( ) mother    ( ) father   
Education          ( ) mother    ( ) father   
Religious upbringing      ( ) mother    ( ) father   
Extracurricular activities      ( ) mother    ( ) father   
____________________      ( ) mother    ( ) father   
____________________      ( ) mother    ( ) father  
____________________      ( ) mother    ( ) father 
____________________      ( ) mother    ( ) father 
If the parties cannot otherwise agree, during the term of this parenting plan the non-
custodial parent, or in joint custodial arrangements the ( ) mother or ( ) father), shall have 
at a minimum the following parenting time: 
( )  First and third weekend of each month 
( )  First, third and fifth weekend of each month 
( )  Second and fourth weekend of each month 
( )  Every other weekend starting on _________________________________________ 
( )  Each _________________________________ starting at _____am/pm and ending 
at ________ am/pm.

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( )  Other: ______________________________________________________________ 
( )  Weekday time 
  ( ) None 
  ( ) Every _____________________evening. 
  ( ) Every other ___________________evening during the week prior to a non-
 visitation weekend 
  ( ) Every _____________ and ____________ evening.   
  ( ) Other: _________________________________________________________ 
For purposes of this parenting plan, a weekend will start at ______am/pm on (circle one) 
Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Other: ______________________ and end at _____am/pm 
on [Sunday/Monday/Other: _______________________________________________. 
Weekday time will begin at _____am/pm and will end at (circle one) 7:00pm./8:00pm/ 
______pm/when the child(ren) return(s) to school or day care the next morning/ 
Other: _________________________________________________________________ 
This parenting schedule begins (check one): ( ) _____________________________ 
or ( ) on the date of the Court’s Order. 
The day to day schedule shall apply except as follows: __________________________ 
_____________________________ beginning on _____________________________.  
The ( ) mother ( ) father shall have the child(ren) for the first period from the day and 
time school is dismissed until December __________at ______am./pm in ( ) odd 
numbered years ( ) even numbered years ( ) every year.  The other parent will have the 
child(ren) for the second period from the day and time indicated above until 
_____________________________ at __________ am/pm.  The parties shall alternate 
the first and seconds periods each year. Or the parties choose a different winter vacation 	
plan as set out here	: 

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SPRING VACATION	:  The day to day schedule shall apply except as follows: 
_____________________________beginning ________________________________. 
: 	The day to day schedule shall apply except as follows: 
_______________________________beginning ______________________________.  
NOTICE:    Parents will confer with each other by_________________________ 
each year to confirm school breaks/vacations and by_________________________ 
to determine summer parenting schedule. 
:   Indicate whether the child(ren) will be with the 
parent in ODD or EVEN numbered years or EVERY year:   
           MOTHER      FATHER      START/STOP TIME 
Martin Luther King Day 
President’s Day 
Mother’s Day 
Memorial Day 
Father’s Day 
July Fourth 
Labor Day 
Thanksgiving Day and 
Child(ren)’s Birthday 
School Free Days 
Mother’s Birthday 
Father’s Birthday 
Religious Holidays: 

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Schedule Conflicts:   When holiday parenting times conflict with extended/summer 
parenting time (choose one): 
  ( ) holiday schedule will be observed 
  ( ) extended visitation will be uninterrupted 
  ( ) other: _________________________________________________________ 
If there is conflict between the regular schedule and the holiday schedule, the holiday 
schedule will prevail. 
For the purposes of this parenting plan, the holiday will start and end as follows (choose 
( ) Holidays that fall on Friday will include the following Saturday and Sunday 
( ) Holidays that fall on Monday will include the preceding Saturday and Sunday 
( ) Other:  ______________________________________________________________ 
Exchanging the child(ren) between parents shall take place as follows: 
Payment of long distance transportation costs, if applicable, will be paid by (choose 
( ) mother    ( ) father     ( ) both equally 
Long distance for purposes of transportation is defined as: 
Other transportation arrangements: (Ex: disabled parent, parent without valid driver’s 
license, other approved transporters, etc.) 
Should the parent picking up the child(ren) exceed a ________ minute grace period 
without prior notification or alerting the other parent by phone of an unavoidable 
breakdown or delay en route, the parenting time for that period is forfeited.   
Should either party repeatedly cause delay by not having the child(ren) prepared for 
exchange or being late for pick-up or return, a modification of parenting time may be 
sought.  Repeatedly causing delay is defined as: _______________________________ 

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If either parent decides to relocate more than ______ miles away from the other parent’s 
home, the moving parent will give the other parent written notice of the intent to relocate 
no less than (choose one) ( ) 30 days  ( ) 60 days  ( ) 90 days  ( ) 180 days prior to the 
date of moving. 
The parents agree that when the child(ren) reside with one parent, the other parent will 
have the right to unimpeded telephone conversations with the child(ren) as follows 
(check all that apply): 
( ) Unrestricted telephone access during reasonable hours and of reasonable duration. 
( )  ______ telephone calls to the child(ren) per day/week with the duration of each call 
not to exceed ______minutes within the following time consideration:______________ 
( ) The child(ren) are allowed to call either parent at any time. 
( ) Other agreed provisions for telephone/email access: _________________________ 
( ) Each parent shall promptly notify the other parent of a change of address, phone 
number or cell phone number so that the other parent may exercise their parenting time, 
notify the other parent as needed, and reach the child(ren) while they are in the other 
parent’s household. 
( ) When making childcare arrangements while the child is with them, parents agree to 
the following (Ex: age before child(ren) will be left alone, appropriate caregivers, right of 
first refusal to provide care, etc.): 
( ) Excluding any agreed limitations on access rights below, both parents will have 
access to child(ren)’s records and information, including but not limited to, education, 
health, extracurricular activities and religious communications. 
Agreed limitations: 

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( ) Mother ( ) Father will notify school authorities where child(ren) are enrolled each year 
to list both parents to receive all notifications, reports. 
( ) Each parent shall promptly notify the other parent of any information received through 
the child(ren) concerning parent meetings, reports or school activities in which the 
child(ren) may be engaged or interested.  
( ) Parents will consult with each other prior to scheduling any activity that will impact 
time the other parent spends with the child(ren). 
Additional agreements:  
( ) Supervised parenting time shall apply during the day-to-day schedule as follows: 
Place: ________________________________________________________________ 
Person/Organization supervising: ___________________________________________ 
Responsibility for cost:  ( ) Mother   ( ) Father   ( ) both equally 
Any transition to alter supervised parenting would require ________________________ 

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Over time, as the child(ren)’s and families circumstances/needs change, parties may, by 
mutual agreement , vary the parenting schedule.  Such altered agreements shall not be 
a binding Court Order and custody shall only be modified by Court Order. 
( ) Prior to involving the Court in resolving disagreements, parties will attempt further 
mediation, consultation with a child specialist/family counselor or __________________ 
I have read, understand and agree to each of the provisions of this Parenting Plan 
Agreement, this ______day of _____________________, 20________.  
Sworn and subscribed before me this the       
____ day of _________________, 20____.       
My commission expires:     	
I have read, understand and agree to each of the provisions of this Parenting Plan 
Agreement, this ______day of _____________________, 20________.  
Sworn and subscribed before me this the 
____ day of _________________, 20____. 
My commission expires:
Relevant article from our knowledge database

The plan must concentrate on what exactly the little one needs. Each parenting program ought to be tailored to the demands of each family. As a joint parenting program is arranged, you are going to want to seek advice from your child custody attorney.
Read more

The plan should incorporate details about where the kid will live, once the kid will go to the other parent, where the kid will spend holidays, the way the parents will share legal duty of the kid, etc.. The parenting program may also have agreements concerning extra-curricular activities, education, faith and wellness. The parenting program is created to provide for the requirements of the youngster, and the basic requirements of the youngster are these material requirements. A suitable Custodial Parenting program is critical to set a good foundation for a healthy, cooperative exchange of the children.

A parenting program ought to be consistent and detailed. It cannot cover every aspect of life and cannot anticipate how real life will change over the years. It is the same thing as a custody agreement and it contains all of the information about how the parents will continue to handle their parenting responsibilities. You're able to contain in your parenting plan an overall statement that you fully grasp these issues might develop in the future and the way you mean to address them when they do.

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