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The Parenting Plan form has to be downloaded and completed by the spouses involved in a divorce to make custody arrangements for the minor children of the marriage.


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Neb. Rev. Stat. 
§43-2929 1.
through the ongoing involvement of both the Mother and the Father with
the child(ren).
by ensuring regular and continuous school attendance and progress for
school-age child(ren) of the parties.
3. Both parents should remain active and involved in parenting the child(ren).
4. The main reason for this Plan is to establish custody, parenting time,
visitation, and other access arrangements, to determine parenting time to
be spent with the Mother and Father, and to decide how to deal with any
future disagreements between the Mother and Father about this Plan.
5. The parents should understand that the needs of the child(ren) may
change as the child(ren) get(s) older and they should interpret and apply
this Plan in a way that best serves any changing needs of the child(ren).
6. The ________________ (custodial parent) shall have legal custody of the
 (mother or father)
child(ren) and, as such, shall have the legal responsibility and authority to
make final decisions concerning the parenting functions necessary to
raising the child(ren).
7. The principal place of residence (physical custody) of the child(ren) shall
be with the ________________, (custodial parent) subject to the terms of
     (mother or father) 
this Plan. 
8. The noncustodial parent shall have parenting time with the child(ren) as
COURT-CREATED Nebraska  State Court Form   DC 6:5(7)    Rev. 08/08
__________________________ COUNTY, NEBRASKA 
         (county where Complaint filed) 
_______________________________,  Case No. CI _____________
(name of Plaintiff on original action) (case number assigned by Clerk of Court)
_______________________________,  (name of Defendant on original action) PARENTING PLAN COURT-
CREATED Page 1 of  6
arenting Plan, Court-Created
DC  6:5(7)  Rev. 08/08

  Weekends:   Every other weekend from ________________ Friday to 
 (beginning time)
________________ Sunday, beginning:  _________________________.   (ending time)   (month, day, and year that weekend parenting time is to begin) 
B.   Weekdays:   On ________________ each week from ________________ 
 (day of the week)                                              (beginning time) 
to ________________.   (ending time) 
C.   Holidays:   
1. In odd-numbered years, holiday parenting time with the child(ren) for the following holidays:  Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and New
2. In even-numbered years, holiday parenting time with the child(ren) for the following holidays:  Memorial Day Weekend, Labor Day
Holidays shall be defined as follows:  
(a)    Easter:  This holiday shall include that period of time during which 
the child( ren) is/are excused from school before the Easter holiday, 
including Easter Sunday, and shall begin at ________________ on       (beginning time)
the day the child(ren) is/are released from school and end at 
________________  on the day before the child(ren) return to 
(ending time) 
(b)    Memorial Day Weekend:   This holiday shall include only that 
weekend when Memorial Day is nationally recognized and shall 
begin at ________________ on Friday and end at   (beginning time) 
________________ on  Monday, Memorial Day.
 (ending time)
(c)   Fourth of July:   This holiday shall begin on July 4 th
________________ and end on July 5 th
 at ________________. 
(beginning time)              (ending time) 

Labor Day Weekend:   This holiday shall include only that weekend 
on which Labor Day is nationally recognized and shall begin at 
________________ on Friday and end  at ________________ on 

beginning time)                                  (ending time) 
Monday, Labor Day. 
(e)    Thanksgiving:   	
This holiday shall be defined as that period of time Page 2 of  6
arenting Plan, Court-Created
DC  6:5(7)  Rev. 08/08

during which the child(ren) is/are excused from school for the 
Thanksgiving holiday, including Thanksgiving Day, and shall begin 
at ________________ on the day the child(ren) is/are released 
 (beginning time)
from school and end at ________________ on the day before the  (ending time)
child(ren) return(s) to school. 
(f)   Christmas:   This holiday period shall be defined as that time during 
which the child(ren) is/are excused from school for the Christmas 
holiday and shall begin at ________________on the day the   (beginning time)
child(ren) is/are released from school and end at ______________   (ending time) 
on December 27. 
(g )   1HZ<HDU�V'D\ This holiday period shall begin  at 
________________ on December 27 and end at  (beginning time) 
________________ on the day before school is to begin.   (ending time) 
(h)    The child(ren) �VELUWKGD\(s):  This shall be the actual birthday(s) 
of the child(ren) , and shall begin at ________________ and shall  
 (beginning time)
end at ________________. (ending time) 
9. )DWKHU�V0RWKHU�V'D\   	
Every year the Father shall have the child(ren)
on  )DWKHU�V'D\DQGWKH0 other shall have the child(ren)  RQ0RWKHU�V'Dy.
 holiday shall begin a t ________________ and  end at
 (beginning time) 
________________ on the Sunday on which this holiday is nationally  (ending time) 
10. 3DUHQWV�ELUWKGD\V Every year the Father shall have the child(ren)  on
his birthday and the Mother shall have the child(ren) on her birthday.  This
parenting time shall begin at ________________ and end at  (beginning time) 
________________on the birthday.  (ending time) 
11. Summer:   The noncustodial parent shall have, beginning the summer  of
________________ , ________________ continuous weeks during the
 (beginning year)   (number of weeks) 
FKLOGUHQ�V school summer vacation.  During this period of time, the
custodial parent is entitled to the same parenting time the noncustodial
parent would have if the child(ren) was/were with the noncustodial parent;
provided, however, that each parent is to have a period of  at least  ten ( 10)
continuous days during the summer that will be uninterrupted by parenting Page 3 of  6
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time with the other parent.  The noncustodial parent is to notify the 
custodial parent, in writing, not later than May 1 of each calendar year of 
the dates he/she will exercise his/her summer parenting
  time and must 
     (circle one)                     (circle one) 
also provide the general location and schedule of where the parenting 
time will take place.
12. Telephone:   The noncustodial parent shall have telephone parenting time
with the child(ren) on ________________ each week, between (day of the week)  
________________ and ________________ for not less than   (beginning time)  (ending time) 
________________ minutes.  (number of minutes) 
13. Transition Plan:   The noncustodial parent shall pick up the child(ren )
from the custodial parent at the beginning of each parenting time  period
and return the child(ren) to the custodial parent at the end of each
parenting time period.
14. Miscellaneous Provisions:
A.   Holidays Take Priority:   Holiday parenting time takes priority over the 
regular weekend parenting time schedule.  The regular weekend  
parenting time schedule shall begin again on t he weekend following the 
holiday schedule and continue after that as provided in this Plan.  As an 
time with the child(ren) falls during the Easter holiday in a year when the  
child(ren) is/are with the custodial parent for Easter.  Because Easter is a  
holiday, it takes priority.  Beginning the first weekend following the holiday, 
regular alternating weekend visitation begins again with the noncustodial  
parent having the first weekend following the holiday.
B.    Temporary Changes.   The parents can temporarily change the terms of 
this Plan as long as they both agree to it. 
C.    Being on Time.   Both parents understand that they have the responsibility 
to be on time.  If either parent will be late for some reason, or will be  
unable to either visit with the child(ren) on time or provide visitation with  
the child(ren) on time, such parent shall notify the other parent as soon as  
possible of the delay.  Both parents understand that fifteen (15) minutes is  
a reasonable time for a parent to wait in order to pick up or return the  
D.    Scheduling Activities.   One parent may not plan or schedule activities  
during the parenting time of the other parent without reasonable notice to 
and  consent of the other parent.  Page 4 of  6
Parenting Plan, Court-Created
DC  6:5(7)  Rev. 08/08

   &KLOGUHQ�V(YHQWV   Both parents shall inform each other, reasonably in 
activities or events (i.e., school plays, athletic events, teacher  
conferences, music recitals, and the like).  Notice shall be provided in  
such a way that the other parent has the maximum opportunity to attend  
that activity or event. 
F.    Permanent Changes.   This Plan may be changed by mutual, written 
agreement of the parents.  Both parents understand that any permanent 
changes must be approved by the Court to be binding and enforceable. 
The parent with legal and physical custody of the child(ren), (custodial parent) 
shall have the final say  LQWKHFKRLFHVUHJDUGLQJWKHFKLOGUHQ�V education, religious 
upbringing and medical needs.  Recognizing, however that it is important that both 
parents participate and cooperate with each other to bring up the child(ren) in a loving, 
stable environment, the custodial parent shall, in an effort to encourage this 
environment, notify the noncustodial parent at a meaningful time in advance of any 
decision regarding enrollment in school, the beginning of participation in religious 
activities, and the beginning of health care involving the child(ren) in order to learn the 
noncustodial paren W�s wishes in these matters.  The parents shall freely discuss these 
three areas with one another in an effort to reach an agreement on these issues.  In the 
event the parents cannot agree, the custodial parent shall have the final voice in these 
The child(ren) �VEHVWLQWHUHVWVUHTXLUHWKH  utmost cooperation between the 
parents.  To this end, neither parent shall talk badly about or in any way be negative 
about the other parent in front of the child(ren) or in any activity or communication 
involving the child(ren).  Neither parent will ask about  WKHRWKHU�VSHUVRQDODIIDLUV
through the child(ren).  Each parent shall cooperate with the other, to the fullest extent 
necessary, in order to encourage a safe, secure, and loving environment for the 
The names of both parents shall appear on all school, governmental, law 
enforcement, medical and health-related records, and both parents shall be provided 
access to all teachers, government officials and doctors. 
In the event one or both of the parties wish to change the terms of this Plan in the 
future and the parties are unable to agree on the terms of such change, the parties shall 
attempt to mediate their disagreements by talking to a third person or persons who may 
be able to help the parties come to an agreement.  This third person or persons need  Page 5 of  6
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not be formally trained in mediation, although the parties are encouraged to talk to 
trained mediator if possible. 
In the event one of the parents plans to change his/her residence, that parent 
shall  notify the other par ent of such change of residence .  If one of the parents is living 
or moving to an undisclosed location because of safety concerns, the address or return 
address shall only include the county and state.  Page 6 of  6
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Relevant article from our knowledge database

The plan must concentrate on what exactly the little one needs. Each parenting program ought to be tailored to the demands of each family. As a joint parenting program is arranged, you are going to want to seek advice from your child custody attorney.
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The plan should incorporate details about where the kid will live, once the kid will go to the other parent, where the kid will spend holidays, the way the parents will share legal duty of the kid, etc.. The parenting program may also have agreements concerning extra-curricular activities, education, faith and wellness. The parenting program is created to provide for the requirements of the youngster, and the basic requirements of the youngster are these material requirements. A suitable Custodial Parenting program is critical to set a good foundation for a healthy, cooperative exchange of the children.

A parenting program ought to be consistent and detailed. It cannot cover every aspect of life and cannot anticipate how real life will change over the years. It is the same thing as a custody agreement and it contains all of the information about how the parents will continue to handle their parenting responsibilities. You're able to contain in your parenting plan an overall statement that you fully grasp these issues might develop in the future and the way you mean to address them when they do.

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