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Missouri Statement of Property and Debt and Separation Agreement Form

For listing all of the properties, assets, and debts in a divorce case, the Missouri Statement of Property and Debt and Separation Agreement Form has to be completed and submitted.



Extracted Text for Proper Search

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 1 of ___	___	 	
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O	F ____	___	___	___	___	__	_____	__,	 M	ISSOURI 	 	 	(Count	y wher	e c	our	t is located)	 	 
In r	e the	 Mar	riage o	f  	 	
 	 	_________________	 	_____________	 	__________________	__ _________	  	(First) 	(Middl	e) 	(Las	t) 	(Jr./Sr./III)  	
Petitioner	,  	 	Case N	o. ______	_____	_ 	
-and	- 	 	
 	 	Division N	o. _________	___	 	_________________	 	_____________	 	__________________	__ _________	  	 	(First) 	(Middl	e) 	(Las	t) 	(Jr./Sr./III)  	
Respondent	. 	 	
S	tatem	ent of P	roper	ty and De	bt a	nd  	
P	ropos	ed S	epa	rati	on A	gr	eem	ent	 	
Are you	 Petition	er or	 the R	espon	den	t?	 (Check one o	f these b	oxes	) 	
  I am the	 Petitio	ne	r.  (	The pa	rty th	at filed the	 or	igina	l pe	tition)	 	
  I am the	 R	esponde	nt.  (The pa	rty tha	t answers the or	igina	l pe	tition f	iled by	 hi	s or he	r spous	e) 	
Are you	 the H	usband 	or the Wi	fe?	
 (Chec	k one of the	se b	oxes	) 	
  I am the	 Wi	fe. 	
  I am the	 H	usba	nd.	 	
W	hat d	oes t	his do	cum	ent c	ov	er	? 	
The	re are two p	arts t	o t	his do	cum	ent.  P	art O	ne	 is you	r di	vision o	f prope	rty and d	ebt and P	art Two 	
pe	rtains to s	pou	sal sup	por	t or “maintena	nce.”  This do	cum	ent doe	s not pertain t	o child s	up	por	t or	 	
custody	.  I	ssue	s addr	essing	 child s	up	por	t and	 custody	 are containe	d i	n a pa	renting	 plan. 	
Do I h	av	e to file this docum	ent? 	
Yes.  Y	ou m	ust file this docum	ent w	ith eithe	r your	 “Petition f	or D	issolution o	f Marriage” or your	 	
“Answer,” even i	f it is no	t signe	d by	 bot	h pa	rties. 	
W	hat is a 	se	par	at	ion ag	reem	ent?  	 	
It is an a	greement in w	hich you a	nd y	our	 spous	e agree to a	 distribu	tion	 of	 prope	rty and de	bt and t	o 	
prov	isions	 con	cerning	 m	aintena	nce a	nd a	ttorne	y’s fees.  If bot	h y	ou a	nd y	ou s	pous	e sign t	his 	
doc	um	ent, it is called a	 “Sepa	ration A	greement.”  It doe	s no	t include	 prov	isions for child custody	 and 	
child s	up	por	t.   	
Form CAFC040-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 2 of ___	___	 	
Can the co	urt do 	som	ething di	fferent than what	 I hav	e p	ropose	d? 	
Absolutely.  E	ven i	f bo	th y	ou a	nd y	our	 spous	e ha	ve signe	d the	 ag	reem	ent	, the	 court is not bo	und by	 	
it.  I	f the	 cou	rt find	s t	ha	t your ag	reem	ent	 is “u	nc	on	sci	ona	ble” or doe	s not	 di	vide	 all pr	ope	rty and 	
marital de	bt, it w	ill not	 be	 appr	ov	ed by	 the	 cour	t.  The cour	t can di	vide	 the pr	ope	rty in a	ny	 manne	r it 	
cons	ide	rs fair, a	nd	 it m	ay or m	ay not	 or	de	r m	aintena	nc	e to b	e pa	id. 	 	
Part	 On	e – D	iv	is	io	n o	f P	roperty and D	ebt	 	
W	ha	t is the m	os	t c	om	m	on	 m	istak	e u	nrepresented p	ar	ties m	ak	e in their 	
dissolu	tion	 c	as	e? 	
W	ithou	t a d	ou	bt	 it is the fai	lu	re to c	or	rectly list all m	ar	ital an	d non	m	ar	ital 	
prop	erty an	d m	arital	 d	ebt	.  The rest of	 this for	m	 e	xpla	ins in d	etai	l h	ow to 	
av	oi	d this m	istak	e. 	
How do I c	om	plete P	art O	ne? 	
Part O	ne con	sists of 	the	se instruc	tion	s and 	six ta	bles. 	
Tab	le 1 	- Mar	ital prop	erty to be	 rece	ived by	 Wi	fe 	
Tab	le 2 	- Mar	ital prop	erty to be	 rece	ived by	 H	usba	nd	 	
Tab	le 3 	- N	on	marital pr	ope	rty to be	 received by	 W	ife 	
Tab	le 4 	- Non	marita	l pr	ope	rty to be	 received by	 H	usba	nd 	
Tab	le 5 	- D	ebts to b	e pa	id b	y W	ife 	
Tab	le 6 	- D	ebts to b	e pa	id b	y H	usba	nd 	
 	You m	ust list all of your	 m	arital and 	nonm	arital prop	erty and m	arital de	bt on on	e of these six 	
tab	les.	 	
 	Use a s	epa	rate r	ow	 for 	eac	h item	 of p	rope	rty or	 debt.  You s	hou	ld dr	aw a line throug	h a	ll row	s 	
tha	t do no	t contain an i	tem of	 pr	ope	rty.  T	his is very impor	tant because som	eone	 coul	d alter this 	
doc	um	ent after you ha	ve signe	d i	t.  Keep a	 copy	 of	 this doc	um	ent after you ha	ve signe	d i	t. 	
W	hat is m	ar	ital p	roperty? 	
RSMo §452.3	30 de	fine	s m	arital pr	ope	rty.  Usua	lly	 m	arital pr	op	erty is prope	rty acqui	red by	 eithe	r 	
spous	e dur	ing	 the	 m	arriage of the pa	rties ot	her tha	n prope	rty acqui	red by	 gift, inh	eritanc	e, or	 in 	
exc	ha	ng	e f	or no	nm	arital prope	rty.  T	his m	eans	 tha	t al	l wag	es ear	ned du	ring	 the m	arriag	e ar	e m	artial 	
prope	rty.  A	ll pr	ope	rty ow	ne	d by	 the	 parties is pr	esum	ed t	o be	 m	arital prope	rty.   	
Nonm	arital pr	ope	rty can be	 conv	erted t	o m	arital prope	rty by	 pl	acing	 a spo	use’s name on a	n 	
accoun	t or title.  A	lso, 	a m	arital interest can be	 acqu	ired i	n no	nm	arital prope	rty by	 the	 cont	ribution o	f 	
marital assets to the	 increase in v	alue of	 the	 nonm	arital pr	ope	rty.  F	inally, inc	om	e from	 nonm	arital 	
prope	rty dur	ing	 the	 m	arriag	e of 	the	 parties i	s m	arital prope	rty. 	
Mar	ital prop	erty to be	 awarde	d t	o W	ife shou	ld be	 listed i	n Table 1 a	nd m	arital pr	ope	rty to be	 	
awarde	d t	o H	usba	nd	 shou	ld be	 listed in Table 2. 	
W	hat is n	on	m	ar	ital p	roperty?  	 	
Nonm	arital pro	pe	rty is p	rope	rty that w	as ac	qui	red 	prior to the	 m	arriag	e or 	prop	erty tha	t w	as 	acqu	ired 	
dur	ing	 the m	arriage by	 gift, inhe	ritance, o	r in exc	hang	e for nonm	arital prope	rty.  N	onm	arital pr	ope	rty 	
is som	etimes a	lso 	cal	led	 “s	epa	rate prop	erty.”  A	ddi	tiona	lly, som	e st	ate teache	r retirem	ent	 bene	fits a	re 	
cons	ide	red nonm	arital.  R	SMo. §169	.572.	 	
No	nm	arital pr	ope	rty to be	 awarde	d to W	ife shoul	d be	 listed in Table 3 a	nd	 nonm	arital prope	rty to 	
be	 awarde	d to H	usband s	ho	uld be	 listed i	n Table 4.	 	
Form CAFC040-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 3 of ___	___	 	
Can	 p	roperty b	e m	ar	ital an	d n	onm	ar	ital? 	
Yes.  I	f an i	tem of	 pr	ope	rty is pa	rtly m	arital and 	pa	rtly nonm	arital, the	n it shou	ld b	e listed und	er both 	
the	 m	arital and n	onm	arital sect	ion	s.  F	or exa	mple, 	if one	 pa	rty ha	d e	arned pe	nsion be	ne	fits for five 	
years pr	ior to the	 m	arriage and c	on	tinue	d to e	arn the	 same pe	nsion b	ene	fits for five years dur	ing	 the	 	
marriage, one-	half or 50	% of t	he pe	nsion a	nd 	retirem	ent	 be	nefits ar	e m	arital and 	one	-ha	lf or	 50%	 are 	
nonm	arital.  I	n t	ha	t situa	tion, t	he	 pe	nsion 	and 	retirement be	nefits w	oul	d be	 listed bot	h un	de	r m	arital 	
and nonm	arital pr	ope	rty. 	
W	ha	t is “fair m	arket v	alue”?	 	
This i	s t	he	 amount	 som	eone	 w	oul	d p	ay for this item of	 pr	ope	rty tod	ay.  I	t is not	 w	ha	t the	 prope	rty 	
cost w	hen y	ou pur	cha	sed i	t.  A	 ten y	ear old autom	obi	le ha	s a value	 far less tha	n the amount	 you pa	id 	
for the	 autom	obi	le. 	
W	ha	t d	oes	 “s	ecu	rity” m	ea	n? 	
The	 m	ortgage on a	 ho	me is tradition	ally secu	red by	 the	 hom	e.  W	he	n y	ou f	ina	nc	e the	 pur	cha	se of	 an 	
autom	obi	le, the com	pa	ny	 that loa	ns you 	the	 m	one	y is listed on t	he	 title to the	 automobi	le. The	y too 	
ha	ve a sec	urity interest	 in y	our	 car.  U	sua	lly, a	 de	bt is s	ecur	ed by	 an i	tem	 of pr	ope	rty if the	 pe	rson t	o 	
whom	 you ow	e the	 m	one	y can t	ake the	 item of	 pr	ope	rty if you f	ail to pa	y the	 de	bt.  The s	che	du	les of 	
de	bt ask you t	o l	ist any	 security for tha	t de	bt.  Y	ou m	ust also list the	 prop	erty tha	t secures the	 de	bt 	
unde	r the	 pr	op	erty listing	s. 	
W	hat if I don	’t agree w	ith	 this “Prop	osed 	Separation	 A	gree	m	ent”? 	
You m	ust take app	ropr	iate actions	 to p	rotect your	 interests.  C	ONS	UL	T A L	AW	YER.  D	o not	 fail to 	
respo	nd i	f you ha	ve be	en	 se	rved w	ith the	se pa	pe	rs as	 the cou	rt m	ay	 proc	eed w	ithou	t any	 furthe	r 	
not	ice to you.	 	
Do w	e h	ave to l	ist o	ur prop	erty even if w	e’ve a	lready	 di	vided i	t? 	
Yes, i	t m	ust st	ill be i	nclud	ed on one	 of 	the	 tab	les.	 	
W	hat p	roperty should I list on	 this f	orm	? 	
AL	L PROP	ERTY AND M	AR	ITAL	 DE	BT m	ust be	 divide	d i	n a	 di	ssolution o	f m	arriage pr	oc	eeding	.  	
Your	 di	ssolution 	of m	arriage m	ay not	 be	 final unless 	this i	s don	e. 	
This inc	lude	s the follow	ing	 type	s of	 prop	erty and de	bt: 	
• 	Real	 estate 	
• 	Motor vehicles 	
• 	Bank	 accoun	ts 	
• 	Pension a	nd 	retirement plans and p	rofit sha	ring	 pl	ans 	
• 	Stoc	ks, bond	s or	 other securities 	
• 	Life insuranc	e 	
• 	Cash on h	and	 	
• 	Hous	eho	ld g	oods	 	
• 	Person	al goods	 	
• 	Trust in	terests 	
• 	Busine	sses or	 pa	rtne	rships 	
• 	Debts ow	ed t	o y	ou o	r your	 spous	e by	 ot	he	rs 	
• 	Any	 int	erest in p	end	ing	 litigation o	r suits to 	be	 filed 	
• 	Farm 	equi	pm	ent, a	nimals or crops 	
• 	Interest	s in cont	racts m	ade	 and no	t pe	rformed 	
• 	Othe	r ass	ets. 	
Form CAFC040-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 4 of ___	___	 	
W	hat d	ebts sh	ould I list on this f	orm	? 	
You s	hou	ld l	ist all loa	ns from any indi	vidua	l, ba	nk	, c	redit card c	om	pa	ny	, c	redit un	ion, s	aving	s and 	
loa	n association o	r ot	he	r lendi	ng	 institution	.  I	nc	lude	 all debts ow	ed by	 eithe	r you 	or your	 spo	use.  	
Make sure to list all credit cards and a	ny	 amount	s ow	ed pur	suant to any	 ba	nk	rupt	cy or	 ot	he	r 	
repa	yment	 pl	an	s. 	
 	Debts tha	t the	 W	ife sho	uld pa	y are to be	 listed i	n Table 5 a	nd D	ebts tha	t the	 H	usband s	hou	ld pa	y 	
are to be	 listed i	n T	able 6.	 	
Do I h	av	e to list p	roperty even if m	y sp	ou	se’s n	am	e is n	ot on it?  	 	
Yes, y	ou m	ust list all prop	erty ow	ne	d by	 you a	lone	, by	 your	 spous	e alone	, and by	 you a	nd y	our	 	
spous	e tog	ether.  You m	ust lis	t p	rope	rty even i	f it is no	t in 	joint	 na	mes.  A	ny	 pr	op	erty in w	hich eithe	r 	
you or	 your	 spous	e claim A	NY interest w	ha	tsoever, M	UST be	 listed. 	
 	In many instanc	es, y	ou w	ill not	 be	 able to s	ell your	 pr	ope	rty or	 receive your	 retirement unl	ess you 	
prov	e tha	t the	se items w	ere listed in y	our	 dissolution o	f m	arriage judg	ment. 	
Do I h	ave to l	ist p	rop	erty that either o	f u	s is buying a	t th	e p	res	ent tim	e? 	
YES.  Y	ou m	ust list all pr	ope	rty that eithe	r you or	 you	r spou	se is pu	rchasing	 by	 making	 mont	hly 	
pa	ym	ents.  S	o, 	even i	f you 	ow	e m	one	y on 	your	 car or	 hom	e, it still must be	 listed.  A	ctua	lly	, it m	ust 	
be	 listed 	twice:  o	nc	e as an 	item	 of pr	ope	rty and on	ce a	s a de	bt secu	red by	 the pro	perty.  	
Do I h	av	e to list p	roperty I o	wned b	efor	e the m	ar	riag	e? 	
Yes.  	This i	s no	rmally nonm	arital prop	erty, but	 und	er som	e ci	rcum	stan	ces 	it m	ay	 be	 con	sidered	 	
marita	l pr	op	erty. 	
Do I h	av	e to list p	roperty m	y sp	ou	se	 owned before the m	ar	riag	e? 	
Yes.  Just as you ha	d to l	ist prope	rty you ow	ne	d be	fore the	 m	arriage, y	ou s	houl	d a	lso l	ist pr	ope	rty 	
your	 spous	e ow	ne	d b	efore the	 m	arriage.  O	nc	e again, 	this is no	rmally nonm	arital prope	rty, but	 unde	r 	
som	e ci	rcum	stan	ces 	it m	ay	 be	 con	sidered	 m	arital prope	rty. 	
I don	’t kn	ow w	hat	 m	y sp	ouse ow	ns s	o h	ow	 can	 I l	ist it? 	
You s	hou	ld hi	re a lawyer to ass	ist you.	  A l	awy	er ha	s the	 ability	 to a	ssist y	ou i	n l	ocating	 th	e asse	ts of 	
your	 spous	e. 	
M	y m	other a	dd	ed m	y nam	e t	o 	her house, 	but I 	have n	ot p	aid a	ny m	on	ey tow	ard t	he 	
purchase.  Do I s	till h	ave to l	ist this p	roperty? 	
Yes.  This w	oul	d nor	mally be	 nonm	arital pr	op	erty, but	 you s	till have to list it. 	
Do I h	ave to l	ist p	roperty th	at I a	cquired a	fte	r th	e sep	aration	? 	
You a	re still m	arried s	o any	 pr	ope	rty or	 debt that you h	ave acqui	red since your	 m	arriage ha	s to be	 	
inc	lude	d.  	 	
W	hat h	ap	pens i	f I don	’t l	ist al	l the p	rop	erty a	nd m	ar	ital d	ebt? 	
It w	oul	d be	 a VERY B	IG mistake not	 to l	ist all your	 prope	rty and m	arital de	bt.  Your	 di	ssolution of	 	
marriage m	ay not	 be	 final, and y	our	 spo	use w	ill be	 able to c	om	e ba	ck in t	he future and t	ry and g	et this 	
item of	 pr	ope	rty.  I	n s	ome cases, y	ou m	ay not	 be	 able to r	eceive your	 pe	nsion or	 sell your	 pr	op	erty 	
withou	t proof	 tha	t your	 dissolution o	f m	arriage judg	ment listed the	 prop	erty. 	
Form CAFC040-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 5 of ___	___	 	
Should I list m	y p	ension inform	at	ion even though I am	 n	ot entitled to receive an	y 	
ben	efits a	t th	e p	res	ent ti	m	e? 	
Does t	his m	ean	 that	 I hav	e to list every d	ish and tow	el th	at w	e 	ow	n?  	 	
No.  Y	ou do no	t ne	ed t	o list pr	ope	rty if it is of	 m	inimal value	.  I	f the	 item of	 pr	ope	rty is w	orth l	ess 	
tha	n $	100.00, y	ou m	ay omit it from	 your	 list. 	
W	hat if I acquire s	om	e p	rop	erty or	 de	bt a	fte	r I fi	le m	y case? 	
If you a	cqui	re any	 add	ition	al prope	rty or	 debt dur	ing	 the	 time this case is pe	nd	ing	, y	ou 	must not	ify 	
the	 cour	t of	 that fact at the time of	 your	 he	aring	.  I	f you	 di	spo	se of any	 pr	ope	rty or	 pa	y of	f any	 de	bt 	
dur	ing	 the time this case is pe	ndi	ng	, y	ou m	ust not	ify the cou	rt of tha	t fact at the	 time of	 your	 he	aring	. 	
W	hat if I r	un o	ut o	f space on one or	 m	ore of	 th	e tables? 	
You m	ay make copi	es of any	 of	 the	 six tables if you ne	ed a	ddition	al room	 for m	ore pr	ope	rty or	 debt.  	
W	he	n y	ou ha	ve listed all the pr	op	erty and de	bt, y	ou s	houl	d num	be	r the	 pag	es.  M	ake sure y	ou w	rite 	
“Not A	pp	licable” or “N/A” in e	ach bo	x unde	r “Item of	 Prope	rty” or	 “Item of	 D	ebt” tha	t you do no	t 	
fill.  (Som	eone	 cou	ld fill this in l	ater w	ith s	om	e ot	he	r information) 	
After you	 h	ave com	ple	ted P	ar	t On	e, you	 shou	ld	 c	om	plete P	ar	t Two o	f this 	
doc	um	ent which p	ertai	ns to s	pou	sal s	uppor	t or	 m	ai	ntenan	ce. 	
Im	por	tant	 	
This d	oc	um	ent is p	lac	ed in a 	cou	rt file	, w	hich is an	 op	en d	ocum	ent av	ai	labl	e to 	
the p	ublic.	  I	n listing yo	ur b	ank o	r o	ther a	cc	ounts, o	r your credit ca	rd o	r o	ther	 	
debt	, d	o n	ot	 inclu	de the e	ntire ac	cou	nt n	um	be	r.  Y	ou	 shou	ld	 inclu	de on	ly 	
enough inform	ation to d	ist	inguish your account from	 o	ther a	ccounts o	wned b	y 	
you	 an	d you	r spou	se.  F	or	 e	xam	ple	, in listing a c	redit c	ard n	um	be	r, you	 shou	ld	 	
inclu	de on	ly the las	t fou	r d	igits o	f the	 a	ccount, s	uch a	s xxxx-xxx	x-xxx	x-1234. 	
Form CAFC040-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
TABL	E 1.  M	ARI	TAL P	RO	PERT	Y TO BE	 AW	ARDE	D T	O W	IFE - The f	ollow	ing m	arital proper	ty is to be	com	e t	he sole 	
and	 separ	ate proper	ty of WIFE.  N	ONMAR	ITAL	 PR	OPER	TY OF WIFE SH	OULD BE L	IST	ED	 IN TABL	E 3	. 	
Ite	m	 of	 P	rope	rty 	Presen	t Fair 	
Market	 Value 	
Wh	at is the 	
income from 	
this property? 	
Is there an	 	
amount owed on 	
this property? 	
Pa	rty with 	
Possession of 	
this Property 	
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
TABL	E 2.  M	ARI	TAL P	RO	PERT	Y TO BE	 AW	ARDE	D T	O HUS	BAND	 - The f	ollow	ing 	marital pr	oper	ty is to be	come the 	
sole and	 separ	ate pr	oper	ty of	 HUS	BAND	.  N	ONMARITAL PROPERTY OF HUS	BAND	 SH	OULD BE L	IST	ED	 IN TABL	E 4. 	
Item	 of	 P	rope	rty 	Presen	t Fair 	
Market	 Value 	
Wh	at is the 	
income from 	
this property? 	
Is there an	 	
amount owed on 	
this property? 	
Pa	rty with 	
Possession of 	
this Property 	
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
TABL	E 3.  NO	NMARI	TAL	 P	RO	PERT	Y TO BE	 AW	ARDE	D 	TO W	IFE	 - The f	ollow	ing no	nm	arital pr	oper	ty is to be	come 	
the s	ole and 	separ	ate pr	oper	ty of	 WIFE.  M	AR	ITAL	 PR	OPER	TY OF WIFE	 SHOULD BE L	ISTED	 IN TABL	E 1	. 	
Item	 of	 P	rope	rty 	Presen	t Fair 	
Market	 Value 	
Wh	at is the 	
income from 	
this property? 	
Is there an	 	
amount owed on 	
this property? 	
Pa	rty with 	
Possession of 	
this Property 	
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Hu	sband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
TABL	E 4.  NO	NMARI	TAL	 P	RO	PERT	Y TO BE	 AW	ARDE	D 	TO HUS	BAND - The f	ollow	ing n	onmarital proper	ty is to 	
bec	ome the 	sole an	d s	epar	ate pr	oper	ty of	 HUS	BAND	.  M	AR	ITAL	 PR	OPER	TY OF HUS	BAND	 SH	OULD BE L	IST	ED	 IN TABL	E 2	. 	
Item	 of	 P	rope	rty 	Presen	t Fair 	
Market	 Value 	
Wh	at is the 	
income from 	
this property? 	
Is there an	 	
amount owed on 	
this property? 	
Pa	rty with 	
Possession of 	
this Property 	
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Hu	sband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	 No	 	
 Wife 	 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tables 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List debt	 in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
(Do not	 deduct	 amount	 	owed f	rom this value) 	
 	 Yes - List deb	t in 	Tabl	es 5 or 6. 	
 Husband	 	 Other	 
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
TABL	E 5.  DE	BT	S TO BE	 P	AID BY	 W	IFE	 -  List all loans from	 any	 individual, ba	nk, credit card c	om	pany	, credit uni	on, 	
savings an	d loan a	ssociation o	r ot	her	 lending institution w	hich ar	e to be	 pai	d by	 WIFE.  Wife is to inde	mnify and 	hol	d Husband 	
har	mless for all deb	ts listed 	on Tabl	e 5.	  	
 	The c	redi	tor’s rights to collect thes	e deb	ts from	 Husband 	are NOT af	fected w	ithout	 the consent	 of	 the 	creditor. 	
Item	 of	 D	ebt 	Current	 	
Mont	hly 	
What is the s	ecurity for 	
this debt	, if any	? 	(This proper	ty should be listed in 	Tables 1 through 4)	 	
Marital or	 Separ	ate 	
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Marital 	 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Marital 	 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
TABL	E 6.  DE	BT	S TO BE	 P	AID BY	 HUS	BAND	 -  List all loans	 from	 any	 individual	, ban	k, credi	t card c	om	pany	, credit 	
uni	on, savings	 and	 loan a	ssociation or	 other	 lend	ing 	institution w	hich ar	e to b	e p	aid by HUS	BAND	.  Husband i	s to indem	nify and ho	ld 	
Wife h	armless for all de	bts listed on T	able 6.	 	
 	Th	e credi	tor’s rights to collect thes	e deb	ts from	 Wife are N	OT af	fected w	ithout the c	ons	ent	 of the 	creditor. 	
Item	 of	 D	ebt 	Current	 	
Mont	hly 	
What is the s	ecurity for 	
this debt	, if any	? 	(This proper	ty should be listed in 	Tables 1 through 4)	 	
Ma	rital or	 Separ	ate 	
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Marital 	 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 No	nmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Marital 	 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
 Nonmarital 	 Both  	 Unknow	n 
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
Part T	wo	 – M	aint	ena	nc	e a	nd	 O	ther Prov	isions	 	
 	Maint	ena	nc	e is m	oney paid on a regular schedule by one spouse to the other after the dissolution of 	
marriag	e.  It m	ay be fo	r a set period of time or it m	ay be for an indefinite period of time.  It usually 	
terminates upon	 the death of either party or the remarriage of	 the party receiving m	aintenance unless the 	
parties agree ot	herwise.  It m	ay or m	ay not be su	bject to future m	odification upon a showing of changed 	
circu	mstances.  Maintenance used to b	e referred to a	s “alimon	y.” 	
MAINTENA	NC	E T	O W	IFE (Chec	k one and only one o	f the	se b	oxes.) 	
  The court la	cks jurisdiction to enter any orders wi	th respect to m	aintenance of	 the W	ife. 	
  No m	aintenance is to be paid to W	ife by Husband.  This agreement is not subject to modification. 	
  Husban	d shall p	ay to Wife the sum of ___	___	___	___ p	er m	onth as an	d fo	r m	aintenan	ce.  S	aid 	
maint	ena	nc	e is _____	__ 	su	bject to m	odification.  Said m	aintenance shall t	erminate upon the death of 	
either party, the remarriage of W	ife, or	 at such earlier time as set forth herein.  	
____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	__ 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	__ 	
MAINTENA	NC	E T	O HUSBAND	 (Chec	k one and only one of the	se b	oxes.) 	
  The court la	cks jurisdiction to enter any orders wi	th respect to m	aintenance of the Husban	d. 	
  No m	aintenance is to be paid to Husban	d by W	ife.  This ag	reement is not subject to modification. 	
  Wife shall pay to Husban	d the sum of ___	___	___	___ p	er m	onth as an	d fo	r m	aintenan	ce.  S	aid 	
maint	ena	nce is _____	__ 	su	bject to m	odification.  Said m	aintenance shall t	erminate upon the death of 	
either pa	rty, the remarriage of Hu	sband, or at such earlier time as set forth herein. 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	__ 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	__ 	
 	(Answer only if m	aintena	nc	e is to be paid by either 	party.) 	
  Income wi	thholding shall b	e prepared by the ob	ligee and issued by the Circuit Clerk upon	 the effective 	
date of this order. 	
  Income wi	thholding shall n	ot issue for the following reason(s): 	
 	 ____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	_. 	
  ___	___	___	___	___	_ shall p	ay to _____	___	___	___	__ 	the sum of ____	___	___	__ a	s and for 	
____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	____. 	
  Neither pa	rty is to receive attorney’s fees from the other pa	rty. 	
  Wife shall p	ay to ______	___	____	___	___	__ t	he su	m of __	____	___	___	_ a	s a	nd for Husb	and’s a	ttorney’s 	
fees herein. 	
  Husban	d shall pay to _____	____	___	___	___	___ 	the su	m of ____	___	___	___ a	s a	nd for W	ife’s a	ttorney’s 	
fees herein. 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	_ 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	_ 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	_ 	
 	____	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	___	___	______	___	___	___	___	_ 	
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9

Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty and D	ebt	 and P	rop	os	ed S	epar	ation	 Agreem	ent	 – Page	 __	____ 	of ____	__	 	
I c	ertify un	der	 oath that	 I have given	 m	y spo	us	e a c	opy of	 this Statem	ent	 of	 Prop	erty and D	ebt	 pur	sua	nt 	
to M	issour	i Supr	em	e C	our	t Rule 43.	01(	d) by: (You 	MUST check at leas	t ONE of the f	ollowing three box	es) 	
 	Serving a c	opy with t	he pe	tition	. 	 	Mai	ling 	a c	op	y to m	y spous	e or	 his or	 her	 attorney on 	____	___	___	__	___,	 20	___	__ at	 the 	
following addr	es	s: 	__________________	_________	__________________	_________	________________	 	(Street) 	__________________	_______	 	__________________	 	_____________	_ 	(City) 	 	 	 	(State) 	 	 	(Zip) 	
 	Hand	ing	 a c	op	y to m	y spou	se or	 hi	s or	 her	 attorne	y on 	____	___	___	__	___,	 20	___	__. 	 	Sen	ding a	 cop	y to m	y spou	se or	 hi	s or	 her	 at	torne	y by fax	 to ____	___	___	__	___	__	__	(telephone 	
num	ber	) on ___	___	___	___	___,	 20__	___	 at	 ___	___	___	___	(time	). 	 Instructions	:  The following information MUST be filled in before a notary public.  Your Statement of Property and D	ebt is required to be ve	rified before 	a notary public. 	  
COUNTY O	F ____	___	___	 	) 	
 	 	 	 	)  ss.	 	 	 	
ST	AT	E O	F _____	___	___	_ 	) 	
Wife, of lawful age,	 bei	ng 	duly sworn on h	er oat	h, states	 that	 she i	s the 	Wife na	med h	erein an	d 	
that	 the f	ac	ts stated	 in this Statem	ent	 of	 Proper	ty and 	Debt	 are t	rue	 ac	cording h	er bes	t know	ledge 	an	d 	
bel	ief, an	d t	hat she 	agr	ees	 with the 	terms and c	ondi	tions	 set forth her	ein. 	
Further	, Wife s	tates	 that	 she ex	ec	uted t	his Statem	ent	 of Proper	ty an	d D	ebt	 as	 he	r free ac	t and 	
deed	.   
►	_____	___	___	___	___	__	____	___	___	__	___	 	____	___	___	__	___	___	___	_____	___	___	__	 	
Subs	cribed a	nd s	worn t	o this ___	__ 	da	y of	 ___	__	___	_____	___	__,	 20	___	_. 	
____	___	___	__	___	___	___	___	 	
Notary Publ	ic 	
My C	om	mission E	xpires	: 	
COUNTY O	F ____	___	___	 	) 	
 	 	 	 	)  ss.	 	
STATE O	F _____	___	___	_ 	) 	
Hus	ban	d, of	 lawful ag	e, bei	ng d	uly sworn on 	his oath, states	 tha	t he	 is the H	us	band n	am	ed 	
her	ein a	nd t	hat	 the f	ac	ts stated 	in this Statem	ent	 of	 Proper	ty an	d D	ebt	 are t	rue	 ac	cording 	his bes	t 	
know	ledge	 an	d b	elief, and	 that	 he a	grees	 with t	he t	erms and c	on	ditions	 set forth h	erein. 	
Further	, Hus	ban	d s	tates	 that he	 ex	ec	uted t	his Statem	ent	 of	 Proper	ty an	d D	ebt	 as	 hi	s free ac	t and 	
deed	.   	
►	_____	___	___	___	___	__	____	___	___	__	___	 	____	___	___	__	___	___	___	_____	___	___	__	 	
Subs	cribed a	nd s	worn t	o this ___	__ 	da	y of	 ___	__	___	_____	___	__,	 20	___	_. 	
____	___	___	__	___	___	___	___	 	
Notary Publ	ic 	
My C	om	mission E	xp	ires: 	
Form CAFC040	-04/01/200	9
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