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Maine Rental Application Form

This application form requires prospective tenants to disclose their credit and banking information. Landlords and management companies can utilize the information stated in this form when deciding on the application of the tenants.Download

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  FORM RPA-73825 
To be completed by ALL applicants 18 (or) older. 	
YOU ARE INFORMED  that you have breached  and violat ed your LEASE AGREEMENT for  the 
(If needed use the back o	f this sheet to list a total o	f 2 	years histor	y-use same 	format	) 	
Rental History:    
  CURRENT LANDLORD: ___________________ MOVE-IN DATE: 	(MO)________(YR)______	 	
ADDRESS: _______________________________ MANAGER: ______________________\
LANDLORD PHONE: ________________ Reason for moving:_______________________ 
Complete if above is less than 2 years… 
PREVIOUS LANDLORD: ___________________ MOVE-IN DATE:  	(MO)________(YR)______ 	
               	MOVE-OUT DATE:  	(MO)________(YR)______	 	
ADDRESS: _______________________________ MANAGER: ______________________\
LANDLORD PHONE: ________________ Reason for moving:________________________ 
   	   	(If needed use the back o	f this sheet to list a total o	f 2 	years histor	y-use same 	format	) 	
 SIGN:_________________________  PRINT: _________________________   DATE\
: ____________ 
By signing this document I understand I  am applying for tenancy; which does not guarantee acceptance.  All information 
provided is accurate to the be st of my knowledge.  I also grant access for th e Landlord / Agent to verify any portion of 
this application, including: Background Ch eck, and/or Credit Check.  I may be responsible for the cost of said checks 
and they are non-refundable.  I have made no false statements on this application. 	
 	HAVE YOU EVER BEEN EVICTED?	       	 □	 NO   	 □	 YES, explain:_______________________________________	 
EVER BROKEN A LEASE AGREEMENT?           	□ NO   	 □	 YES, explain:_______________________________________	 	
ARE YOU A CONVICTED FELON?        	 □  	NO    	□ 	YES, explain:_______________________________________ 	
  ARE YOU A SEX OFFENDER?                   	□ NO    	□ YES, explain:_______________________________________ 	
  EVER BEEN SUED?                                                	□ NO    	□ YES, explain:_______________________________________ 
                EVER DECLARED BANKRUPCY?                     	
□ NO    	□ YES, explain:_______________________________________	   	
 	DO YOU SMOKE?                        	□ NO    	□ YES, explain:_______________________________________	   
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?                     	□NO    	□YES, ex	plain:	__________	_____________________________	 	
Employment / Income History:  
  CURRENT EMPLOYER: ____________________   START DATE: 	(MO)________(YR)______	 	
POSITION: ________________   MANAGE R: ______________   PHONE: _____________ 	
        MONTHLY SALARY: _____________ 
Complete if above is less than 2 years… 
PREVIOUS EMPLOYER: ____________________   START DATE:  	(MO)________(YR)______ 	
       	        END DATE:  	(MO)________(YR)______	 	
POSITION: ________________   MANAGE R: ______________   PHONE: _____________ 	
        MONTHLY SALARY : _____________ 
Personal Information:  
  LEGAL NAME: _______________________      Name you go by: ______________________ 
  PHONE #: ____________________________    EMAIL: ________________________\
  DATE OF BIRTH: ____/_____/_____    SOCIAL SECURITY #: ________-_____-_ _______ 	
DRIVERS LICENSE or ID:   State:_______  #: _____________________________\
VEHICLE: (Yr) __________  (Model) _________________(Lic. Plate #) _____________	___ 
           Total # of Vehicles for Household:	________________	
RPA® Approved Form    Copyright 2003 - 2008 ©    
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