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Maine LLP Transfer of Reserved Name Form

Maine LLP Transfer of Reserved Name.pdf Permits a person or entity to transfer a partnership name to another party. Download

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Deputy	 Secretary	 of S	tate 	
A Tr	ue Copy	 Whe	n Atte	ste	d By	 Signatur	e 	
Deputy	 Secretary	 of S	tate 	
        	       Filing Fee $20.00	 	
Pursuant	  to  31  M	RSA  §804-A.2, t	he undersi	gned t	ransferor execut	es and del	ivers t	he fol	lowing Transfer of R	eserved Nam	e: 	
 	(Name pr	eviously	 reserved pur	suant to §804-	A.1) 	
Nam	e of ori	ginal appl	icant	   _____________________________________________________________________\
Nam	e of t	ransferee   _______________________________________________________________\
Address of t	ransferee  ______________________________________________________________\
ORIGINAL 	APPLICANT 	(Transferor) 	   DATED 	__________________________ 	
__________________________________________________  	___________________________________________________ 	
 	            (	signatur	e of any	 duly	 author	ized per	son)	   	 	 	 	 	  (type or	 print nam	e and capacity	) 	
This transfer of reserved nam	e will expire 120 days	 from	 the date of filing th	e original application. 	
Please rem	it your pay	ment	 made pay	able to the Maine Secretary of State. 	
 	 	 	 	 	 	    101 ST	AT	E HOUSE	 ST	AT	ION,	 AUGUST	A, ME	  04333-0101	 	
FOR	M NO. M	LLP-1A    R	ev. 7-1-2003 	 	 	 	        	TEL.  (207) 624-77	52
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