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Kentucky Foreign Limited Partnership Amendment Form

In the case of a foreign limited partnership wanting to make modifications to information that have already been registered with the Secretary of State’s office in the State of Kentucky, the following form has to be completed and submitted along with a $25 filing fee.


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(01/12	) 	
______________________________________________________________	_______________________	___________________________________	____	 	
Division of 	Business Filings	 	
Business Filings	 	
PO Box 718	 	
Frankfort, KY 40602	 	
(502) 564	-3490	 	
_____________________________________________________________	_________________	______	___	___	 	
Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  KRS  Chapter 	KRS  14A  and 	271B,  273	, 274,	 275,  362  or  386	 the  undersigned  hereby  appli	es 	
for  an  amended  certificate  of  authority  on  behalf  of  the 	entity	 named  below  and	, for  that  purpose	, submits  the  following 	
1. The 	business entity 	is:  	  profit corporation (KRS 271B).  	  	 	  nonprofit corporation (KRS 273).      	 	
  	 	 	   	  professional service corporation (KRS 274).	    	     	  business trust (KRS 386). 	 	
  	 	 	   	  limited liability company (KRS 275).	 	 	  limited partnership (KRS 362).	 	 	
  	 	 	   	  professional limited liability company (KRS 275). 	       	 	
2. 	The name of the co	mpany is	:_____________________________________________	_______________	_________	____	. 	                	(The n	ame must be identical to the name on record with the Secretary of State.)	 	
3. 	It is a	n entity	 organized and existing under the laws of the state or co	untry of 	_____________	__________________.	 	
4. The 	entity	 received authority to transact business in Kentucky	 on	 __________________	___	___________________	. 	
5. The 	entity	 has changed its 	(check all that apply)	 	
 	Domicile name to _	_____________________	________	____	____________________________________	__	 	
 	Name to be used in Kentucky to_____________________________________________________________	 	
 	Jurisdiction of organization to_________________	_______	_____	______	_________________________	___	 	
 	Period of duration________	________________________________________________________________	 	
 	Form of organization______________________________________________________________________	 	
6. This application will be effective upon filing, unless a delayed effective date and/or time	 is p	rovided.  The effective date or 	
the delayed effective 	date 	cannot be prior to the date the application is filed.  The date and/	or time is _________________	__.  	 	  	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	     	     	(Delayed effective date	 	                                           	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	   	   and/or time	) 	 	
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Kentucky that the foregoing is true and correct.	 	
______________________________________	_____	______________	____	__________	_____________________________	 	Signat	ure of 	Auth	orized Representative	 	  	 	Printed 	Name 	 	 	 	 Title	 	 	 	Date	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	
Amended Certificate of Authority	 	 	 	 	FCA 	 	
(Foreign Business Entity	)

(01/12	) 	
APPLICATION FOR AMEND	ED CERTIFICATE OF AU	THORITY 	 	 	TYPE OF FORMATION	 	The 	entity	 must indicate if it is a 	corporation (KRS 271B), a nonprof	it corporation (KRS 273), a professional service corporation 	 	(KRS 274)	, a business trust (KRS 386	), a limited liability company (KRS 275) or a limited partnership (KRS 362)	 by checking the appropriate box.	 	 NAME 	 	The business entity name must be exactly a	s written in the home state and comply with the ending requirements of KRS 14A.3	-010.	 	 PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS	 	 The principal office is the office (in or out of this state) so designated in writing with the Office of the Secretary of Sta	te where the princ	ipal designated office 	of the business entity is located.  This address is where all correspondence from the Office of the Secretary of State (See D	ocument Delivery) will be 	mailed	.  	 EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME	 	The document will be effective on the date and t	ime of filing, unless a delayed effective date 	and/or time is specified.  The effective date or the delayed 	effective date cannot be prior to the date the application is filed.  A delayed effective date may not be later than the 90	th day after the date of 	filing. 	 	 WHO MAY SIGN	 	The document must be signed by 	an authorized agent.	 	 NUMBER OF COPIES	 	If filing via mail or in person, one exact or conformed copy of the documents with the filing fee must be submitted to the ad	dress below.  To make a copy of 	the fi	ling for delivery to	 the local county clerk’s office, visit and print a copy from the organization search tool.	 	  DOCUMENT DELIVERY	 	A file stamped postcard will be sent to the principal office address.  If the applicant wishes for the docume	nt to be sent to an alternate address other than the 	principal office, a request must be submitted in writing affirming that request.  Alternate address requests must be submitte	d with each document filed with 	the Office of the Secretary of State.   	 	 FILI	NG FEE	 	The filing fee is $40.00. 	Checks	 should be made payable to the "Kentucky State Treasurer."	 	 MAILING ADDRESS	 	 	 	OFFICE LOCATION	 	Alison Lundergan Grimes	 	 	 	Room 154, Capitol Building	 	Secretary of State	  	 	 	700 Capital Avenue	 	PO Box 718	 	 	 	 	Frankfort, KY  	40601	 	Frankfort, KY  40602	-0718	 	 	 	Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM	-4:30 PM ET	 	 CONTACT INFORMATION AND NAME AVAILABILITY	 	If you have any questions, need additional forms or wish to search for name availability, please feel free to visit our websi	te at www.sos.k or call (502) 	564	-3490.	 	 FUTURE DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS AND	 DEADLINES	 	The 	business entity	 must file an 	annual report	 with the Secretary of State between January 1 and June 30 of the year following the calendar year in which 	the corporation was for	med.  Subsequent annual reports must be filed with the Secretary of State between January 1 and June 30 of the following cale	ndar 	years.   A 	statement of change	 of the registered agent and/or registered office address or principal office address must be fi	led with the Secretary of State 	whenever a change has occurred involving any of the above categories.  Downloadable forms may be found on our website.
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