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IRS 1040X Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Form

To request for the correction of the erroneous details in previously-filed tax forms, applicant must use Form 1040X. Among the forms that can be amended using Form 1040x are the following: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040NR, or 1040NR-EZ. With 1040X, the corrections can be requested after the official deadline.Download

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(Rev. December 2012)Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service	Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return	▶ Information about Form 1040X and its separate instructions is at 	
OMB No. 1545-0074	
This return is for calendar year 	2012	2011	2010	2009	
Other year. Enter one: calendar year	                         	or fiscal year (month and year ended):	
Your first name and initial	Last name	Your social security number 	
If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial	Last name	Spouse’s social security number 	
Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see instruct\
ions.	Apt. no.	Your phone number	
City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code.  If you have a foreign address, also complete spaces below (see instruct\
Foreign country name	Foreign province/state/county	Foreign postal code	
Amended return filing status. You must check one box even if you are not changing your filing status.         \
Caution. In general, you cannot change your filing status from joint to separate\
 returns after the due date.
Single	Married filing jointly	Married filing separately	
Qualifying widow(er)	Head of household (If the qualifying person is a child but not your dep\
endent, see instructions.)	
Use Part III on the back to explain any changes	A. Original amount 
or as previously  adjusted           
(see instructions)	B. Net change—
amount of increase  or (decrease)— 
explain in Part III	C. Correct      amount 	
Income and Deductions 	     	     	     	
1  Adjusted  gross income.  If net  operating  loss (NOL)  carryback  is 
included, check here  ...............	▶	1 	
2  Itemized deductions or standard deduction  .........	2 	
3  Subtract line 2 from line 1  ...............	3 	
4  Exemptions.  If changing,  complete Part I on  page  2 and  enter  the 
amount from line 30   .................	
5 	Taxable income. Subtract line 4 from line 3  ..........	5 	
Tax Liability
6  Tax. Enter method used to figure tax:	
Credits.  If general  business  credit carryback  is included,  check   
here .....................	▶	7 	
8  Subtract line 7 from line 6. If the result is zero or less, enter -0-  ...	8 	
9  Other taxes ....................	9 	
10 	Total tax. Add lines 8 and 9  ...............	10 	
11  Federal  income tax withheld  and excess  social security  and tier 1 RRTA 
tax withheld (if changing, see instructions)  ..........	
12  Estimated  tax payments,  including amount applied from prior year’s 
return  ......................	
13  Earned income credit (EIC)  ...............	13 	
 	Refundable credits from Schedule(s)	8812 or	M or Form(s)	2439	
4136	5405	8801	8812 (2009–2011)	8839	8863	
8885 or	other (specify):	14 	
15  Total amount  paid with request  for extension  of time  to file,  tax paid  with original  return, and additional 
tax paid after return was filed ........................	
16  Total payments. Add lines 11 through 15  ....................	16 	
Refund or Amount You Owe (	Note.	 Allow 8–12 weeks to process Form 1040X.)	
17  Overpayment, if any, as shown on original return or as previously adjust\
ed by the IRS
......	17 	
18  Subtract line 17 from line 16 (If less than zero, see instructions)  .............  	18 	
19 	Amount you owe. If line 10, column C, is more than line 18, enter the difference  .... ....	19 	
20  If line 10, column C, is less than line 18, enter the difference. This i\
s the amount  overpaid on this return  	20 	
21 Amount of line 20 you want refunded to you  ...................	21 	
22 	Amount of line 20 you want applied to your     	                               	        estimated tax    .	(enter year):	22 	
Complete and sign this form on Page 2.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.	
Cat. No. 11360L Form 	1040X	 (Rev. 12-2012)

Form 1040X (Rev. 12-2012)	Page 	2 	
Part I	Exemptions	
Complete this part only if you are:
Increasing or decreasing the number of exemptions (personal and depende\
nts) claimed on line 6d of the return you are amending, or
• Increasing or decreasing the exemption amount for housing individua\
ls displaced by a Midwestern disaster in 2009.
See Form 1040 or Form 1040A instructions and Form 1040X instructions. 	 	
A. Original number of exemptions or 
amount reported or  as previously adjusted	
B. Net change	C. Correct     number           
or amount 	
23  Yourself  and spouse.  Caution.  If someone  can claim  you as a 
dependent, you cannot claim an exemption for yourself  ...... 	
24  Your dependent children who lived with you  .........	24 	
25 	Your dependent children who did not live with you due to divorce or sepa\
ration	25 	
26  Other dependents  ..................	26 	
27  Total number of exemptions. Add lines 23 through 26  ......	27 	
28  Multiply  the number  of exemptions  claimed on line  27 by the  exemption 
amount  shown in the  instructions  for line  28 for  the  year  you are 
amending  ..................... 	
29 	If  you  are claiming  an exemption  amount for housing  individuals 
displaced  by a Midwestern  disaster, enter the amount  from Form  8914, 
line 6 for 2009  ...................	
30 	Add lines 28 and 29. Enter the result here and on line 4 on page 1 of th\
is form 	30	
31 	List ALL dependents (children and others) claimed on this amended return. If m\
ore than 4 dependents, see instructions.
(a) First name                                 Last name	(b) Dependent’s social 
security number	(c) Dependent’s	 	relationship to you	
(d) Check box if qualifying 
child for child tax credit (see  instructions)	
Part II	Presidential Election Campaign Fund 	
Checking below will not increase your tax or reduce your refund.	
Check here if you did not previously want $3 to go to the fund, but now \
Check here if this is a joint return and your spouse did not previously \
want $3 to go to the fund, but now does.	
Part III	Explanation of changes. In the space provided below, tell us why you are filing Form 1040X.     \
▶ Attach any supporting documents and new or changed forms and schedules. \
Sign Here
Remember to keep a copy of this form for your records.
Under  penalties  of perjury,  I declare  that I have  filed an original  return and that  I have  examined  this amended  return, including  accompanying 
schedules   and  statements,  and to the  best  of my  knowledge  and belief,  this amended  return is true,  correct,  and complete.  Declaration  of preparer 
(other than taxpayer) is based on all information about which the prep\
arer has any knowledge.
Your signature	Date	
Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign.	Date	
Paid Preparer Use Only▲
Preparer’s signature	Date	Firm’s name (or yours if self-employed)	
Print/type preparer's name	Firm's address and ZIP code	
PTIN	Check if self-employed	Phone number 	EIN	
For forms and publications, visit	Form 	1040X	 (Rev. 12-2012)
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