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Financial Affidavit

In this affidavit, the affiant declares her/his financial income. The declaration serves as support to the request for free attorney, expert, and other services.

Financial Affidavit

To avail of attorney, expert, and other services without payment of the corresponding fees, interested individual must execute this affidavit.

Financial Affidavit

To be an eligible affiant of this affidavit, individual must be a Defendant who cannot afford to pay for attorney fees. By executing this affidavit, Defendant is declaring her/his desire to avail of the court’s free legal counsel and other defense services.

Financial Affidavit

Through the information reflected in this affidavit, the court will be able to determine the appropriate amount of child support payment per parent. Assessment of payment is based on the official North Dakota Child Support Guidelines. Affiant must thoroughly accomplish the form and sign it in the present of a . . . Read more