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Barnes and Noble Job Application Form

Applying for a position at any Barnes and Noble store in the US entails the fulfillment and submission of this form. Applicant must introduce herself/himself to the manager when submitting the form.Download

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Application For 	Employment 	BOOKSELL	E	RS 	
Barnes 	& Noble,  Inc.  is an  equal  oppor	tuni	ty  employe r 	com	mitted 	to diversity  in the  workplace  and dedicated 	to a pol	icy 	of 	n on -disc r	imination  in 
employment  on  any 	
bas	is  including  age, sex,  race, 	color,  ancestry,  religion, creed, citizens hip  status,  disability,  natio na l  origi n,  mar ital status , mil itary 
status,  sexual  orientation,  genetic  information,  gender identity  and express io n ,  or  any 	
factors 	no t related 	to the 	job 	and  will 	comp ly  wi th  all  applicab le  laws . 	
Per	sonal 	Information 	(Please 	print) 
D	ate 	Name 	Last 	First 	Middle 	
Pre	sent Ad	dress 	(Sn·ee t, 	City,  Sta t	e, Zip 	Code) 	
Home 	Ph	one 	Business 	Phone 	Cell 	Numb	er 	Em	ail  A	ddress 	
Are 	you lega	ll y 	authorized 	or 	permitted  to 	Are 	you (Please 	check 	t h e 	Prior 	to  a ns	wer	ing 	this 	question 	you mus	t  read 	the  in	struct	ions 	to 	
wo	rk  in the 	Un	ited  St	ates? 	(All  n	ew 	hires  box t	hat 	appl i	es):  a	pplican	ts abou	t  cri	minal 	convic	tions 	section  (	on 	the  reverse 	
will  be  required 	to 	provi	d e 	proof 	of 	eligibi lity  *
16 _ *17 _	18 	or 	ove	r _ ? 	side) 	of 	this 	form. 	
to 	work 	in the 	U.S. ) 	Yes 	---	No 	---	(*A 	wor	k permit 	or 	age 	Have 	you 	ever 	been conv	icted 	of 	a  cri	me	?  (Answe	ring 	yes 	to 	
certific a	te ma	y be  required  this 	question 	will not 	be  an  abs	olu	te bar 	to an 	offer 	of 	for 	employment.] 	employment.) 
Yes 	---	No 	---	If yes, 	explain 	
Employment 	De	sir ed 	(If 	you 	are 	applyin g 	for 	a  reta	il hou	rly  p	osit io n,  pl	ease 	keep 	in min	d that 	th e  avai l	abil ity 	of 	h o u	rs m ay  v ary .) 	
Position 	Loca	tion/Dep	artme	n t 	Sala ry 	Des	ired 	Date 	Avai	lable 
S unday 	
Monday 	Tu	esday 	Wednesda;t 	Thurs da;t 
Frida;t 	Saturda;t 	
Specify 	hours 	avai l	able for 	each 	day of 	the 	week 	
__ 	Full 	Tim e 	__ 	Part  Tim e 	__ 	Seaso nal/Te	mp 	
Have 	you ever 	wor	ked 	for 	Barnes 	& 	Noble, 	Inc. ? 	If yes	, w	hen	? Which 	store/	de pa	rtm	ent? 	
How 	did 	you 	hear 	about 	us? 	
Do 	you 	have  any relative(s ) currentl y 	employed 	by Barnes 	& Noble	, Inc.? 	Yes 	__ 	No 	__ 	lf  yes, 	explain 	
Edu	cat	ion 	Circle  L	ast 	Did 	You 	Subjec	ts Studie	d  and 	
Name 	and 	Address 	of 	School  Y	ears 	Completed 	Graduate	? 	Degre	es 	Received 	H ig h 	Sch oo l 	1234 	y 	N 	
College 	1234 	y 	N 	
Pos	t College 	1234 	y 	N 
T rade, 	
Business, 	or 	1 2  3 4 	y 	N 	Co	rrespo n	dence 	School 	
List skill s 	relevant 	to 	the 	positioll 	app	lied 	for 	
SK	ILLS 	Co	mput	er 	Profic	iency: 	Word 	D 	Exce	l D 	O th e rs: 	
F o rm  No. 	2506  (02	111)

Former 	Employers 	Lis	t all 	employers 	with 	current 	or 	most 	recent 	employment 	first. 	If 	lim	ited 	pre	v ious 	emp	loyment	,  list 	th r	ee 	
person	s, not 	related, 	who 	have 	known 	yo	u for some 	time. 	Please 	comp	lete 	even 	if you 	attach 	a  r	esume. 	Date 	(M/D/Y) 	
From 	Current 	Employer 	(Name 	and 	Address 	of 	Employer-	Type 	of 	Business	)  Salary 	or 	Hourly 	Position 	---	----	
S tarting 	----	To -	Ending 	----	Reason 	for 	Leaving 	Voluntary 	Involuntary 	
Summary 	of 	Responsibilities 	
Su~erviso	r's Name 	Phone 	Number 	May 	We 	Contact	? 	y 	N 	
From 	Previous 	Em~	loyer 	(Name 	and 	Address 	of 	Emp	loyer-	Type 	of 	Business	)  Salary 	or 	Hourly 	Position 	---	----	
Sta	rting 	----	To -	Ending 	----	Reason 	for 	Le	aving 	Yolunta1y 	Involuntary 	
Summary 	of 	Responsibilities 	
Su12ervisor's 	Name 	Phone 	Nu	mber 	May 	We 	Contact? 	y 	N 	
From 	Previous 	Empl	oyer 	(Name 	and 	Address 	of 	Empl	oyer 	- T	ype 	of 	Bu	siness) 	Salary 	or 	Hourly 	Position 	---	----	
Starting 	----	To -	Ending 	----	Reason 	for 	Leaving 	Yolunta1y 	Involuntary 	
Summary 	of 	Res~onsibilities 	
Supervisor's 	Name 	Phone 	Numb	er 	May 	We 	Contact	? 	y 	N 	
Refer	ences 	Give 	be low  the names 	of 	three 	professional  references, 	which 	you 	have 	know n 	at least 	one  year. 	
Name 	Company/J	ob  Titl e 	Address 	& Pho ne 	Number 	Years 	Acquainted 	
How 	do 	you  know  this person ? 	I 
-	IMP	ORTANT	, READ 	BEFORE 	SIGNING 	IN STR UCTIO NS 	TO 	APPLI C	ANT	S ABOUT 	CRIMINAL 	CONV ICTIO NS: 	RE AD 	THIS 	BEFORE 	DISC LOS ING  ANY 	CRI	MINAL 	CON	VICTIO	N S 	California 	App	lican	ts: In answeri	n g this 	question 	do not 	include: 	information 	regarding 	an arrest 	or detentio n 	that 	did 	not result 	in conviction	; information 	regardi	ng referral 	to , and 	parti	ci pation 	in, 	any 	pre-tria l 	or post	-tria l d i	version 	progra m ; 	min	or traffic 	violation	s~ (.'011\'ictions 	for which 	the record 	has 	been 	judi	cially 	ordered	, sealed or exp	unged; 	marijuana-r	elated 	c01nict	io n s 	described 	in Californ	ia 	Labor 	Code 	Sectio n 432.8 	that 	are 	m ore 	than 	two 	years old; misdemean or 	convictio	n s  fo r 	whic h 	probation 	bas be,en successfu	lly completed 	or discharged and 	that 	ha~'e been 	judi	c ially 	dismissed 	pursuant 	to C alifornia 	Penal 	Code Seclion 	1203.4. 	Colorado. 	Delaware. 	Illin	o is, Maryland, 	New 	York, Ohio . Oklahoma. 	Rhode 	Island. 	~md 	Virginia 	Applicants: 	Do 	not 	disclose 	sealed, erased 	or expunged 	convictions. 	Connectic	ut Appli	cants: 	Oo not 	disdose 	erase	d or fully 	pardoned 	com ·ic	tions. 	Hawaii Applicanh	: Do not 	answer this question 	o n the app	licatio	n . You 	will answer 	this 	question if you receive 	a condition	al offer 	of emp	lo ym e	nt. 	Mass..'ld1Us e	tts Applicants 	Only : Under 	Massachusetts 	law, an employer 	is prohibited 	from 	making 	written, 	pre-employm	ent inquiries 	of an applican	t about his o r  h	er criminal 	history. 	MASSA	CHUSETTS 	APPL	ICANTS 	SHOULD 	NOT 	RESPOND 	TO 	ANY 	OF 	THE 	QUESTIONS 	SEEKING 	CRIMINAL 	RECORD 	INFORMATION. 	With respect 	to the 	inquiry 	herein 	relative 	to  c	riminal 	convi	ction	s, an 	app	licant 	for 	employment 	may answer 	··no 	record	" with respec-t to any criminal 	cmn
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