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Affidavit for Small Estate Matters (personal property)

If an affiant is the successor of a defendant and wishes to collect the estate to which he is entitled, the following affidavit has to be executed.


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Small Estate Affidavit	 – Personal 	Property	 	February 2009	 	Revised May 9, 2017	 	Page 	1 of 1 	
Aff	idavit for Collecting Personal P	roper	ty in a Small Estate Proceeding	 	
Being first duly sworn, I state that:	 	
(1) 	This affidavit is made for the purpose of collecting the personal property of 	 	
 	__________________	____________	__________	____________	 (name)	, who 	died 	
on 	__	_________________	 (date)	, as authorized by 	Utah Code Section 	75	-3-1201;	 	
(2) 	(a)	 	[  ]	 I am the decedent’s successor and entitled to payment or delivery of the 	
(b)	 	[  ]	 I am the duly authorized agent of 	
__________________	_____________	_____________________ 	(name)	, who 	
is the decedent’s successor;	 	
(3) 	The value of the entire estate subject to administration, wherever located, less 
liens and encumbrances, does not exceed $100,000;	 	
(4) 	30 days have elapsed since the death of the decedent;	 	
(5) 	No application or petition for the appointment of a personal representative is 
pending or has been granted in any	 jurisdiction;	 	
(6) 	The decedent’s successor is entitled to payment or delivery of any indebtedness 
owed to the decedent, any tangible perso	nal property belonging to the decedent, 	
and any instruments evidencing a debt, obligation, stock, or chose in action 
belonging to the decedent; and	 	
(7) 	Such indebtedness, tangible personal property or instrument evidencing a debt, 
obligation, stock, or cho	se in action include:	 	
 	Sign here ►	 	 	
Typed or Printed Name	 	 	
On this date, I certify that _________________________________________________________ 	(name)	 	
who is known to me or who presented satisfactory identification,	 in the form of 	
_______________________________________	_______________ 	(form of identification)	, has, while in my 	
presence and while under oath or affirmation, voluntarily signed this document and declared that it is true.	 	
 	Sign 	here ►	 	 	
Typed or printed name (Notary Public)	 	 	
Notary Seal
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